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UK Limited Companies
This is a list of UK companies on the Companies House Register based in postcode area M25. Sole trader are not listed here.

The postal code M25 covers the following areas:


Company NameRegistered Office LocationSummary of Business
01BITSTREAM LLP MANCHESTER, ENGLAND 01BITSTREAM LLP was formed 15 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. 01BITSTREAM LLP was dissolved on the 2015-02-10 and the company has ceased trading.
1-WEB SERVICE LTD. MANCHESTER, 1-WEB SERVICE was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'Business and domestic software development'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
100% RECYCLED PANEL COMPANY LIMITED Manchester, 100% RECYCLED PANEL COMPANY was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
11OUTOF10 LIMITED ALTRINCHAM, CHESHIRE 11OUTOF10 was formed 21 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'information technology service activities'. 11OUTOF10 was dissolved on the 2018-07-17 and the company has ceased trading.
121 DEBT SOLUTIONS LTD PRESTWICH, MANCHESTER 121 DEBT SOLUTIONS was formed 16 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'business support service activities not elsewhere classified'. 121 DEBT SOLUTIONS was dissolved on the 2016-12-06 and the company has ceased trading.
121 FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD PRESTWICH, MANCHESTER 121 FINANCIAL PLANNING was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified'. 121 FINANCIAL PLANNING was dissolved on the 2016-08-23 and the company has ceased trading.
121 WEALTH MANAGEMENT LTD PRESTWICH, MANCHESTER 121 WEALTH MANAGEMENT was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified'. 121 WEALTH MANAGEMENT was dissolved on the 2016-08-09 and the company has ceased trading.
200 LIMITED BURY, 200 was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Sound recording and music publishing activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
2002 WAREHOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED MIDDLEWICH, 2002 WAREHOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
2012 WAREHOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM 2012 WAREHOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES was formed 12 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. 2012 WAREHOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES was dissolved on the 2014-06-24 and the company has ceased trading.
8313712 LTD MANCHESTER, 8313712 was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
2013 WAREHOUSE FURNITURE LTD MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM 2013 WAREHOUSE FURNITURE was formed 11 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store'. 2013 WAREHOUSE FURNITURE was dissolved on the 2014-05-27 and the company has ceased trading.
212 REPUBLIC LIMITED MANCHESTER, 212 REPUBLIC was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'information technology service activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
34SP.COM (PROPERTY) LIMITED PRESTWICH, MANCHESTER 34SP.COM (PROPERTY) was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
34SP.COM LIMITED MANCHESTER, 34SP.COM was formed 23 years ago. Its business classification is 'information technology service activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
3639 LIMITED Manchester, 3639 was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'Buying and selling of own real estate'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
3DSI LTD MANCHESTER, 3DSI was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'professional, scientific and technical activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
3T IMPORT AND EXPORT LTD MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM 3T IMPORT AND EXPORT was formed 11 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. 3T IMPORT AND EXPORT was dissolved on the 2014-12-23 and the company has ceased trading.
4D PLANNING CONSULTANTS LTD. MANCHESTER, 4D PLANNING CONSULTANTS was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'professional, scientific and technical activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
4WAYFORWARD LIMITED MANCHESTER, ENGLAND 4WAYFORWARD was formed 12 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. 4WAYFORWARD was dissolved on the 2014-09-16 and the company has ceased trading.
8TH DAY PRODUCTIONS LIMITED MANCHESTER, GREATER MANCHESTER 8TH DAY PRODUCTIONS was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Television programme production activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
99P UNIVERSE LIMITED MANCHESTER, LANCASHIRE 99P UNIVERSE was formed 11 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. 99P UNIVERSE was dissolved on the 2015-02-03 and the company has ceased trading.
A TEAM STUDIOS LTD MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM A TEAM STUDIOS was formed 14 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Dormant Company'. A TEAM STUDIOS was dissolved on the 2014-05-27 and the company has ceased trading.
A & C ACCOUNTS AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES LIMITED MANCHESTER, A & C ACCOUNTS AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Accounting and auditing activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A & L ESTATES LTD MANCHESTER, A & L ESTATES was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A & Y (CANADA) LIMITED MANCHESTER, A & Y (CANADA) was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'Wholesale of watches and jewellery'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A BAMBER & SONS FENCING LIMITED PRESTWICH, MANCHESTER A BAMBER & SONS FENCING was formed 18 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'construction installation'. A BAMBER & SONS FENCING was dissolved on the 2014-11-25 and the company has ceased trading.
A H INSULATION SOLUTIONS LTD MANCHESTER, A H INSULATION SOLUTIONS was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Agents involved in the sale of timber and building materials'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A J FINANCIAL LIMITED MANCHESTER, A J FINANCIAL was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'Accounting and auditing activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A P COOLING SOLUTIONS LIMITED MANCHESTER, A P COOLING SOLUTIONS was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A P H PUB CO LTD MANCHESTER, ENGLAND A P H PUB CO was formed 13 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. A P H PUB CO was dissolved on the 2014-10-21 and the company has ceased trading.
A PLUSH LIMITED MANCHESTER, A PLUSH was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'service activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A SHIERS CONSULTANCY LIMITED MANCHESTER, LANCASHIRE A SHIERS CONSULTANCY was formed 15 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. A SHIERS CONSULTANCY was dissolved on the 2017-10-10 and the company has ceased trading.
A TO Z ELECTRONICS LTD MANCHESTER, A TO Z ELECTRONICS was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'Repair of communication equipment'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A&A HOUSING PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED MANCHESTER, ENGLAND A&A HOUSING PRIVATE COMPANY was formed 12 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. A&A HOUSING PRIVATE COMPANY was dissolved on the 2014-09-30 and the company has ceased trading.
A&Z WINES LIMITED MANCHESTER, ENGLAND A&Z WINES was formed 12 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. A&Z WINES was dissolved on the 2014-04-08 and the company has ceased trading.
A. B. CADWORK LTD MANCHESTER, A. B. CADWORK was formed 18 years ago. Its business classification is 'information technology service activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A. DEVLIN SERVICES LIMITED MANCHESTER, A. DEVLIN SERVICES was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Television programme production activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
LARGO6 LIMITED Prestwich, MANCHESTER LARGO6 was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'Regulation of health care, education, cultural and other social services, not incl. social security'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A.D. PAVING LTD MANCHESTER, ENGLAND A.D. PAVING was formed 20 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'specialised construction activities not elsewhere classified'. A.D. PAVING was dissolved on the 2013-11-19 and the company has ceased trading.
A1 ACCIDENT ASSIST LTD PRESTWICH, MANCHESTER A1 ACCIDENT ASSIST was formed 17 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'business activities'. A1 ACCIDENT ASSIST was dissolved on the 2016-12-27 and the company has ceased trading.
A1 ORTOS LIMITED BURY, GREATER MANCHESTER A1 ORTOS was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Sale of used cars and light motor vehicles'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
A3 ADVERTISING DESIGN & MARKETING LIMITED MANCHESTER, LANCS A3 ADVERTISING DESIGN & MARKETING was formed 21 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Advertising agencies'. A3 ADVERTISING DESIGN & MARKETING was dissolved on the 2014-11-25 and the company has ceased trading.
AAA SHOP FRONTS & SHUTTERS LTD BURY NEW ROAD, MANCHESTER AAA SHOP FRONTS & SHUTTERS was formed 19 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'business activities'. AAA SHOP FRONTS & SHUTTERS was dissolved on the 2014-06-17 and the company has ceased trading.
AARON GOLDSMITH & CO LTD PRESTWICH, MANCHESTER AARON GOLDSMITH & CO was formed 16 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'business support service activities not elsewhere classified'. AARON GOLDSMITH & CO was dissolved on the 2015-01-06 and the company has ceased trading.
AB FAB HAIRDRESSING (MANCHESTER) LTD MANCHESTER, AB FAB HAIRDRESSING (MANCHESTER) was formed 17 years ago. Its business classification is 'Hairdressing and other beauty treatment'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
ABAN TECHNOLOGY LIMITED MANCHESTER, LANCASHIRE ABAN TECHNOLOGY was formed 15 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Dormant Company'. ABAN TECHNOLOGY was dissolved on the 2016-04-19 and the company has ceased trading.
ABBA BEEL PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY MANCHESTER, ABBA BEEL PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Repair of electrical equipment'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ABBOTS GRANGE CARE HOME LTD Manchester, ABBOTS GRANGE CARE HOME was formed 19 years ago. Its business classification is 'Residential nursing care facilities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ABBOTSFORD CARE HOME LIMITED MANCHESTER, ABBOTSFORD CARE HOME was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Residential nursing care facilities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details

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