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UK Limited Companies
This is a list of UK companies on the Companies House Register based in postcode area HU14. Sole trader are not listed here.

The postal code HU14 covers the following areas:

North Ferriby, Swanland, West Ella,

Company NameRegistered Office LocationSummary of Business
IDENTITY LOGOS LIMITED BRIDGE STREET, DRIFFIELD IDENTITY LOGOS was formed 11 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Manufacture of workwear'. IDENTITY LOGOS was dissolved on the 2017-08-04 and the company has ceased trading.
IKP 2004 LIMITED MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE IKP 2004 was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Activities of other holding companies '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
ILEX TIDAL POWER LTD NORTH FERRIBY, E YORKS ILEX TIDAL POWER was formed 28 years ago. Its business classification is 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
IMAGE SAFETYWEAR LIMITED BRIDGE STREET, DRIFFIELD IMAGE SAFETYWEAR was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Wholesale of clothing and footwear'. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
BLINK AGENCY LIMITED HESSLE, BLINK AGENCY was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Data processing, hosting and related activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
INDEPENDENT CORPORATE FINANCE LIMITED MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE INDEPENDENT CORPORATE FINANCE was formed 25 years ago. Its business classification is 'Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation not elsewhere classified'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
INFOGENCER LIMITED MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE INFOGENCER was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS (EUROPE) LIMITED HULL, EAST YORKSHIRE INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS (EUROPE) was formed 28 years ago. Its business classification is 'Information technology consultancy activities'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
INTERNATIONAL GOLF DEVELOPMENT LTD BEVERLEY, EAST YORKSHIRE INTERNATIONAL GOLF DEVELOPMENT was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
INVIGILATIS LIMITED CAMBRIDGE, INVIGILATIS was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Data processing, hosting and related activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
J & R INVESTMENTS LIMITED North Ferriby, EAST YORKSHIRE J & R INVESTMENTS was formed 84 years ago. This is not a trading company. It is used for managing the freehold of a residential property. Its business classification is 'Residents property management'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
J & SD MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, NORTH HUMBERSIDE J & SD MANAGEMENT SERVICES was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'social work activities without accommodation '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
J C HAIR SOLUTION LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, NORTH HUMBERSIDE J C HAIR SOLUTION was formed 14 years ago. Its business classification is 'Hairdressing and other beauty treatment'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
J.B. TIMBER LIMITED BEVERLEY, EAST YORKSHIRE J.B. TIMBER was formed 37 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Sawmilling and planing of wood'. J.B. TIMBER was dissolved on the 2018-02-13 and the company has ceased trading.
J.T. BUSINESS SUPPORT & TRAINING LTD NORTH FERRIBY, EAST YORKSHIRE J.T. BUSINESS SUPPORT & TRAINING was formed 19 years ago. Its business classification is 'Activities of head offices'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
J.TOWNEND & SONS(HULL)LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE J.TOWNEND & SONS(HULL)LIMITED was formed 101 years ago. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JAN & MJE NOMINEES LIMITED MELTON, EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE JAN & MJE NOMINEES was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JARAM HOLDINGS LIMITED HULL, EAST YORKSHIRE JARAM HOLDINGS was formed 27 years ago. Its business classification is 'Buying and selling of own real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JASON HENDER DESIGN LIMITED SWANLAND, EAST RIDING JASON HENDER DESIGN was formed 21 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'specialised design activities'. JASON HENDER DESIGN was dissolved on the 2013-10-15 and the company has ceased trading.
JAYHAWK LIMITED LONDON, JAYHAWK was formed 30 years ago. Its business classification is 'Freight transport by road'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JM AUTO CENTRE LIMITED NEWTON AYCLIFFE, ENGLAND JM AUTO CENTRE was formed 11 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles'. JM AUTO CENTRE was dissolved on the 2017-11-21 and the company has ceased trading.
JMB SERVICES LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, EAST YORKSHIRE JMB SERVICES was formed 22 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Extraction of crude petroleum'. JMB SERVICES was dissolved on the 2016-11-22 and the company has ceased trading.
JMI PROCESS CONSULTANTS LIMITED MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE JMI PROCESS CONSULTANTS was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JML PUB CO. LTD MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE JML PUB CO. was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Public houses and bars'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
JOHMAR MEDICAL SERVICES LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, NORTH HUMBERSIDE JOHMAR MEDICAL SERVICES was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Buying and selling of own real estate'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JOHN HANNARD PERSONAL TRAINING LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, EAST YORKSHIRE JOHN HANNARD PERSONAL TRAINING was formed 20 years ago. Its business classification is 'Physical well-being activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JP MASONS LIMITED MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE JP MASONS was formed 11 years ago. The company did not declare the nature of its business prior to the business closing. JP MASONS was dissolved on the 2015-02-03 and the company has ceased trading.
JRL DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED SWANLAND, EAST YORKSHIRE JRL DEVELOPMENTS was formed 15 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'business activities'. JRL DEVELOPMENTS was dissolved on the 2015-04-07 and the company has ceased trading.
JSJ CONSULTANCY LIMITED MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE JSJ CONSULTANCY was formed 17 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JSJ PARTNERSHIP LIMITED HESSLE, JSJ PARTNERSHIP was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Activities of head offices'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JUDGELAND SYSTEMS LIMITED North Ferriby, EAST YORKSHIRE JUDGELAND SYSTEMS was formed 22 years ago. Its business classification is 'Computer facilities management activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
JULIE JONES CONSULTING LIMITED BEVERLEY, EAST YORKSHIRE JULIE JONES CONSULTING was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. JULIE JONES CONSULTING was dissolved on the 2015-08-11 and the company has ceased trading.
K2G CONSULTING LIMITED HARROGATE, K2G CONSULTING was formed 18 years ago. Its business classification is 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
KALEDEN LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, UNITED KINGDOM KALEDEN was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Accounting and auditing activities'. KALEDEN was dissolved on the 2013-08-20 and the company has ceased trading.
KINGSTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, NORTH HUMBERSIDE KINGSTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT was formed 25 years ago. Its business classification is 'letting and operating of own or leased real estate'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
KINGSTON CONSULTANTS (YORKSHIRE) LIMITED HULL, EAST YORKSHIRE KINGSTON CONSULTANTS (YORKSHIRE) was formed 16 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. KINGSTON CONSULTANTS (YORKSHIRE) was dissolved on the 2014-09-09 and the company has ceased trading.
KINGSTON MEDISOLUTIONS LTD NORTH FERRIBY, NORTH HUMBERSIDE KINGSTON MEDISOLUTIONS was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'Specialists medical practice activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
KINGSTOWN SADDLERY LTD NORTH FERRIBY, KINGSTOWN SADDLERY was formed 17 years ago. Its business classification is 'retail specialist stores'. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
KINTECH LIMITED HULL, KINTECH was formed 16 years ago. Its business classification is 'Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
KOMPLEAT BAKERY LTD MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE KOMPLEAT BAKERY was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs'. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
KR CONNECTIONS LTD Melton, EAST YORKSHIRE KR CONNECTIONS was formed 11 years ago. Its business classification is 'business support service activities '. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
L DYNAMICS LTD GRIMSBY, L DYNAMICS was formed 12 years ago. Its business classification is 'Information technology consultancy activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
L K SWAIN LTD NORTH FERRIBY, EAST YORKSHIRE L K SWAIN was formed 12 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Specialists medical practice activities'. L K SWAIN was dissolved on the 2015-02-24 and the company has ceased trading.
L S LEASING LIMITED STOCKTON ON TEES, COUNTY DURHAM L S LEASING was formed 21 years ago. Its business classification is 'Renting and leasing of trucks and other heavy vehicles'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
L.W. PRINT FINISHERS LIMITED Hull, L.W. PRINT FINISHERS was formed 28 years ago. Its business classification is 'Finishing of textiles'. The company is no longer trading and is being liquidated.
LABEL METRICS LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, EAST YORKSHIRE LABEL METRICS was formed 13 years ago. Its business classification is 'Manufacture of printed labels'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
LAMINOX LIMITED NORTH FERRIBY, EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE LAMINOX was formed 36 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals'. LAMINOX was dissolved on the 2014-11-18 and the company has ceased trading.
LANDMARK (YORKSHIRE) LIMITED Hull, LANDMARK (YORKSHIRE) was formed 33 years ago. Its business classification is 'professional, scientific and technical activities '. The business is active however there is a proposal to strike off the company register - possibly for failing to comply with filing rules.
LATITUDE SURVEYS LTD BROUGH, NORTH HUMBERSIDE LATITUDE SURVEYS was formed 15 years ago. Its business classification is 'Architectural activities'. The company is actively trading or a dormant business. Check company details
LAW SQUARED LIMITED MELTON, EAST YORKSHIRE LAW SQUARED was formed 13 years ago. Before closing-down, its business was 'Management consultancy activities other than financial management'. LAW SQUARED was dissolved on the 2016-01-05 and the company has ceased trading.

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