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Home > USA > Washington State Companies > NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH
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Registered corporation

Company Overview

About Neighborcare Health
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH was founded on 1972-06-26 and has its registered office in Seattle. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Neighborcare Health is a Registered corporation registered in United States of America (USA) with Washington Secretary of State Corporations Division and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as NONPROFIT
Key Data
Company Name
Legal Registered Office / Registered Agent
1200 12TH AVE S STE 901
Trading Names/Associated Names
45TH ST. MEDICAL & DENTAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 07/05/2001
BALLARD MOBILE DENTAL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 11/20/2015
COLUMBIA CITY CENTER FOR HEALTH A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 12/18/2014
HAMILTON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/18/2010
HAMILTON SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/18/2010
HIGH POINT MEDICAL AND DENTAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/29/2003
HIGH POINT MEDICAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 06/13/1997
JOE WHITING DENTAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 06/13/1997
MERCER SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/05/2011
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - BALLARD HCHN CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 01/23/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - BALLARD HOMELESS A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 01/23/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - BALLARD HOMELESS CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 01/23/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - MCDERMOTT PLACE A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/04/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - MERIDIAN DENTAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 06/22/2015
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - NAVOS BURIEN A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/22/2010
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - NAVOS BURIEN CAMPUS A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/22/2010
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - NAVOS WEST SEATTLE A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/22/2010
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - NAVOS WEST SEATTLE CAMPUS A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/22/2010
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - RAINIER BEACH DENTAL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 01/03/2011
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - RAINIER BEACH MEDICAL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 01/03/2011
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - RAINIER BEACH MEDICAL & DENTAL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 01/03/2011
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - ROXHILL ELEMENTARY A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 10/09/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - ROXHILL EMEMENTARY SCHOOL BASED HEALTH A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 10/09/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - VAN ASSELT SBHC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/14/2013
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH - VAN ASSELT SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/14/2013
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH AT BF DAY SCHOOL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 11/04/2010
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH AT BOREN & VIRGINIA A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 10/22/2015
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH AT BOREN AND VIRGINIA A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 10/22/2015
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH AT LAKE CITY MEDICAL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/17/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH AT MCDERMOTT PLACE A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/04/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH AT PACIFIC TOWER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/03/2016
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH AT ST. VINCENT DE PAUL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/19/2014
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH AT ST. VINCENT DE PAUL-AURORA A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/19/2014
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-ASA MERCER SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/05/2011
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-BAILEY GATZERT SBHC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/14/2013
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-BALEY GATZERT SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CTR A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/14/2013
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-DEARBORN PARK SBHC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/14/2013
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-DEARBORN PARK SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/14/2013
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-HAMILTON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-BASED HEAL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/18/2010
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-HIGHLAND PARK ELEMENTARY A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 10/09/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-LAKE CITY MEDICAL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/17/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-LAKE CITY MEDICAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/17/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-LAKE CITY MEDICAL CLINIC (AT MCDERMOTT P A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/11/2010
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-MCDERMOTT PLACE MEDICAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/04/2012
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-MERCER SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/05/2011
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-MERIDIAN MEDICAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 09/03/2014
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-SEATTLE WORLD SCHOOL A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/24/2011
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-SECONDARY BILINGUAL ORIENTATION CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 08/18/2010
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-WEST SEATTLE ELEM SBHC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/14/2013
NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH-WEST SEATTLE ELEM SCHOOL-BASED HLTH CTR A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 05/14/2013
NEIGHHBORCARE HEALTH-HIGHLAND PARK SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTE A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 10/09/2012
PIKE MARKET MEDICAL CLINIC-ANNEX A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 02/24/2005
PSNHC MIDWIFERY & WOMEN'S HEALTH A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 01/30/2002
PSNHC/PIKE MARKET MEDICAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 02/24/2005
PSNHC/PIKE MARKET MEDICAL CLINIC-ANNEX A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 02/24/2005
PUGET SOUND NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH CENTERS A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 06/30/2009
RAINIER BEACH MEDICAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 04/04/2000
ROOSEVELT YOUTH HEALTH CENTER A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 07/05/2001
SOUTHEAST DENTAL CLINIC A trade name registered with Washington State Business Licensing Service, registration number since 06/13/1997
Filing Information
Company Number USWA600138418
Washington DoS ID number 600138418
Date formed 1972-06-26
Country United States of America (USA)
Origin Country United States of America (USA)
Type Registered corporation
CompanyStatus Active
Lastest accounts 
Account next due 
Latest return 
Return next due 2018-06-30
Type of accounts NONPROFIT
401k Plan Filings 401k Plan Data  
IRS EIN:   910893287
Jurisdiction Washington Secretary of State Corporations Division
Last Datalog update: 2022-09-15 10:40:21
Primary Source:Washington Secretary of State Corporations Division
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Companies with same name NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH
The following companies were found which have the same name as NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date
NEIGHBORCARE LENDER, LLC 1420 5TH AVE STE 4200 SEATTLE WA 981012375 Administratively Dissolved Company formed on the 2009-12-18
NEIGHBORCARE- TCI 2, LLC 100 E RIVERCENTER BLVD STE 1600 COVINGTON KY 41011 MERGED-OUT Company formed on the 2004-09-10
NeighborCare of Virginia, Inc. Bank of America Center, 16th Floor 1111 East Main Street RICHMOND VA 23219 MERGED Company formed on the 1994-05-23
NEIGHBORCARE SENIOR MANAGEMENT, LLC. SunTrust International Center MIAMI FL 33131 Active Company formed on the 2001-12-31
NEIGHBORCARE PHARMACY SERVICES, LLC 1 CVS DR C/O MC 2240 WOONSOCKET RI 02895 Active Company formed on the 1998-07-28
NEIGHBORCARE, INC. 100 NORTH MAIN STREET SUITE 2 BARRE VT 05641 Withdrawn Company formed on the 1997-08-14
NEIGHBORCARE PHARMACY SERVICES, INC. 17 G W Tatro Dr Jeffersonville VT 05464 Active Company formed on the 2007-07-31


Current Directors
Officer Role Date Appointed
Barbara Shickich
Joyce Lammert
Previous Officers
Officer Role Date Appointed Date Resigned
Tony Bozzuti
Andrea Dahl
Rick Rubin

More director information

Advertised Job Vacancies
Job TitleLocationJob descriptionDate posted
Marketing Communications ManagerSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2017-01-05
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-12-21
School-based Mental Health TherapistSeattleMaster's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology Licensure (LICSW, LASW, LMFT, LMHC, or Psychology) in the State of Washington,...2016-12-21
Clinical Behavioral Health Therapist (LICSW)SeattleMultiple openings for Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LICSW) at various clinic sites with Neighborcare Health....2016-12-21
Patient Services Representative IISeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-12-13
Referral CoordinatorSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-12-09
Primary Care Provider (OB Medical Doctor)SeattleStaff, we approach patient care with core values of social justice, community understanding and excellence....2016-12-09
Medical Clerk (Vashon Island)SeattlePerform a variety of standard tests and medical technical services such as but not limited to, vision screening, audiometry and hearing tests,...2016-12-07
Medical ClerkSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-12-06
WIC Coordinator (Registered Dietitian or RD)SeattleRefer clients to appropriate medical and social agencies. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based...2016-12-02
Community Programs Manager (Limited Duration)SeattleThis position is for a limited duration of four (4) to six (6) months. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and...2016-11-23
Dental Assistant Lead (UW District) w/ Sign-on BonusSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-11-22
Dental HygienistSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-11-21
Senior RecruiterSeattleSource candidates using networking, social media, events, competitive intelligence/research, sourcing tools and TM Programs such as employee referrals,...2016-11-18
Medical ClerkSeattlePerform a variety of standard tests and medical technical services such as but not limited to, vision screening, audiometry and hearing tests,...2016-11-18
Locum Primary Care ProviderSeattlePatient care with core values of social justice, community understanding and excellence. We want providers who share our passion for culturally sensitive care,...2016-11-18
Patient Services RepresentativeSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-11-15
ARNP/PA-C - School Based ProgramSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, community, cultural sensitivity. We want providers who share our passion for culturally sensitive...2016-11-15
School Based Dental ManagerSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-11-07
Homeless Services Program AdministratorSeattleWith our service commitments a warm welcome, respect, working together, trusting relationships and caring grounded in our core values of social justice and...2016-10-29
Interpreter - Somali FluentSeattleThe Interpreter will interpret or translate information between limited or non-English speaking patients and medical personnel or others....2016-10-15
Health Records Technician IISeattleCreate clear images from documents by scanning from paper format into health record software. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its...2016-10-13
Chief Operating OfficerSeattlePosition Title : Chief Operating Officer Contact: LuAnn Carlson, Senior Partner Corporate Strategies & Development, LLC Phone (425) 828-0128 Email:...2016-10-12
Behavioral Health CounselorSeattleEligible candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology and are licensed as a LICSW, LMFT, LMHC, or...2016-10-12
Patient Services RepresentativeSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-10-12
Dental Assitant Float w/ Sign-On BonusSeattleIncluding but not limited to, exam, restorative, extractions, root canals, crowns, hygiene, sealants, etc. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care...2016-10-11
Primary Care PsychologistSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-10-10
Clinical Behavioral Health Therapist (LICSW)SeattleMultiple openings for Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LICSW) at various clinic sites with Neighborcare Health....2016-10-10
School-based Mental Health TherapistSeattleMaster's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology Licensure (LICSW, LASW, LMFT, LMHC, or Psychology) in the State of Washington,...2016-10-07
ARNP/PA-C - School Based ProgramSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, community, cultural sensitivity and excellence....2016-10-05
Locum Primary Care ProviderSeattlePatient care with core values of social justice, community understanding and excellence. We want providers who share our passion for culturally sensitive care,...2016-09-28
Perinatal Coordinator-MidwiferySeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-09-27
Patient Services Representative-Spanish FluentSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-09-23
Insurance Verification SpecialistSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-09-21
School-based Mental Health Therapist and Prevention SpecialistSeattleParticipate actively in the multidisciplinary team care provision, including but not limited to:. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through...2016-09-16
WIC CoordinatorSeattleRefer clients to appropriate medical and social agencies. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based...2016-09-16
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-09-16
Health Center Coordinator (Float)SeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-09-13
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-09-12
Primary Care Social WorkerSeattleExamples include, but are not limited to:. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the...2016-09-02
Primary Care Social WorkerSeattleAssist primary care teams to document social and family histories in the EMR for patients receiving social work services....2016-08-31
Dentist-LocumSeattleTreatment plans should be realistically based and balanced between out limited clinical resources and funding and the desires of the patient....2016-08-30
Certified Diabetes Educator (Registered Nurse or Dietician)SeattleProvide evidence-based nutrition education including but not limited to basic and advanced carbohydrate counting and weight management....2016-08-29
Facilities Technician IISeattlePerform a variety of maintenance tasks as needed, including but not limited to painting, drywall, moving furnishings and equipment, assembling furnishings and...2016-08-25
Dental Hygienist - LocumSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-08-25
Executive Assistant I- Neighborcare Health at Administrative OfficeSeattleKnowledge of and proficient in the use of personal computers and a variety of standard business software programs, including products such as Word, Excel,...2016-08-24
Facilities Technician II( Temporary) at Neighborcare HealthSeattlePerform a variety of maintenance tasks as needed, including but not limited to painting, drywall, moving furnishings and equipment, assembling furnishings and...2016-08-24
Managed Care Coordinator- Neighborcare HealthSeattleWe are committed to social justice and culturally sensitive care delivery by creating collaborative and trusting relationships with both our patients and staff....2016-08-24
Primary Care Provider- Neighborcare Health-LocumsSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, caring for our community and excellence. Staff include practice partners, primary care RNs,...2016-08-24
ARNP/PA-C at Neighborcare Health-School-Base Clinics (Locums)SeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, caring for our community and excellence. Looking for an ARNP/PA-C join Neighborcare Health in the...2016-08-24
Primary Care and Ped's RN Float- Per-diem- All Neighborcare Health ClinicsSeattleMinimum 1 year RN experience in a primary care, hospital and/or home care setting or comparable social service setting preferred....2016-08-24
Primary Care and Ped's RN Float- All Neighborcare Health ClinicsSeattleMinimum 1 year RN experience in a primary care, hospital and/or home care setting or comparable social service setting preferred....2016-08-24
RN Coordinator- Neighborcare Health at Homeless ProgramsSeattle1 year experience in a primary care, hospital or home care setting, or comparable social service setting....2016-08-24
Clinic Manager I- Neighborcare Health at Boren and VirginiaSeattleExperience with NextGen software a plus. Ensure clinic operates within the guidelines set by Neighborcare management team and in accordance with laws and...2016-08-24
Credentialing CoordinatorSeattleIncludes, but not limited to:. Credentialing Coordinator is responsible for working closely with the Sr....2016-08-19
School-based Mental Health TherapistSeattleMaster's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology Licensure (LICSW, LASW, LMFT, LMHC, or Psychology) in the State of Washington,...2016-08-11
Certified Diabetes Educator/NutritionistSeattleProvide evidence-based MNT including but not limited to basic and advanced carbohydrate counting, weight management, and nutrition through the lifecycle...2016-08-10
Patient Services Rep (Vashon Island)- Spanish FluentSeattleDo you have exceptional customer service skills? Well we want to tell you more about this exciting new opportunity within our Neighborcare Health Vashon2016-08-08
Clinic Administrator (Vashon Island)SeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-08-08
HR ManagerSeattleMust be very computer and web savvy to utilize professional and social networking media, manage internal SharePoint site, and use applicant tracking system....2016-08-05
DentistSeattleMotivated self-starter that can work independently in a fast paced, ambiguous environment with limited supervision....2016-08-05
Patient Services Representative-Vietnamese FluentSeattleDo you have exceptional customer service skills? Well we want to tell you more about this exciting new opportunity with Neighborcare Health! Our goal is to2016-08-05
Pharmacist-LocumSeattleParticipate quarterly P & T meetings. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the...2016-08-04
Primary Care ProvidersSeattleStaff, we approach patient care with core values of social justice, community understanding and excellence....2016-08-02
Primary Care PsychologistSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-08-01
Dental Assistant w/ Sign-On BonusSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, community, cultural sensitivity. We want Dental Assistants who share our passion for culturally...2016-08-01
Patient Services RepresentativeSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-07-27
Patient Services Representative-Spanish FluentSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-07-27
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-07-23
Ballard Homeless Clinic Mental HealthSeattleEligible candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology and are licensed as a LICSW, LMFT, LMHC, or...2016-07-23
Accounts Payable SpecialistSeattlePrepare daily bank deposits for patient payments and other administration receipts. Ensure weekly deposits to the bank....2016-07-22
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-07-21
Primary Care ProvidersSeattlePatient care with core values of social justice, community understanding and excellence. We want providers who share our passion for culturally sensitive care,...2016-07-11
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-07-02
Dental Assistant-School-Based Health ProgramsSeattleIncluding but not limited to, exam, restorative, extractions, root canals, crowns, hygiene, sealants, etc. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care...2016-07-01
School-based Mental Health Therapist and Prevention SpecialistSeattleEligible candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology and are licensed as a LICSW, LMFT, LMHC, or...2016-06-29
Medical Assistant ClerkSeattlePerform a variety of standard tests and medical technical services such as but not limited to, vision screening, audiometry and hearing tests,...2016-06-29
Medical Scribe LeadSeattleWorking experience with Electronic Health Records software. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based...2016-06-15
ARNP/PA-C - School Based ProgramSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, community, cultural sensitivity and excellence. Of varying social and cultural backgrounds as well...2016-06-14
Managed Care CoordinatorSeattleIncluding, but not limited to mammography, pap smear, colon cancer screening, etc. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical,...2016-06-07
Community Health WorkerSeattleEducation and information, serving as a cultural mediator between the community and the health care system, ensuring that people get the services they need,...2016-06-07
Accounts Payable SpecialistSeattlePrepare daily bank deposits for patient payments and other administration receipts. Ensure weekly deposits to the bank....2016-06-06
Interpreter-SpanishSeattleThe Spanish Interpreter will interpret or translate information between limited or non-English speaking patients and medical personnel or others....2016-06-06
ARNP/PA-C - School Based ProgramSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, community, cultural sensitivity and excellence....2016-06-06
Patient Services RepresentativeSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-06-06
Dental HygienistSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-06-06
Somali InterpreterSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-06-04
Dental HygienistSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-06-02
Housing Health Outreach Team Administrative ManagerSeattleBe the HHOT site point of contact for any concerns or needs for all staff, including but not limited to HR and logistics needs....2016-05-28
School-based Mental Health TherapistSeattleEligible candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology and are licensed as a LICSW, LMFT, LMHC, or...2016-05-27
Medical Clinic Manager for Homeless ServicesSeattleMaster Level Social Work or equivalent required. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and...2016-05-27
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-05-25
IT Support AnalystSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-05-20
Community Health WorkerSeattleThis by providing health education and information, serving as a cultural mediator between the community and the health care system, ensuring that people get...2016-05-17
Administrative Assistant IISeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-05-10
Patient Services RepresentativeSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-05-09
Site Dental DirectorSeattleMembers in this job will have limited access or need for patient. Motivated self-starter that can work independently in a fast paced, ambiguous environment with...2016-05-07
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-05-05
Clinical Behavioral Health Consultant (LICSW)SeattleMultiple openings for Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LICSW) at various clinic sites with Neighborcare Health....2016-05-05
Dentist-LocumSeattleTreatment plans should be realistically based and balanced between out limited clinical resources and funding and the desires of the patient....2016-05-04
Patient Services RepresentativeSeattleNew Dental Clinic and Learning Center -Opening in June 2016 -! Do you have exceptional customer service skills? Well we want to tell you more about this2016-05-04
Certified Diabetes EducatorSeattleProvide evidence-based nutrition education including but not limited to basic and advanced carbohydrate counting and weight management....2016-04-30
Patient Services RepresentativeSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-04-27
Financial AnalystSeattleMotivated self-starter that can work independently in a fast paced, ambiguous environment with limited supervision....2016-04-26
DentistSeattleOne year General Practice Residency or Advanced Education in General Dentistry or o ne year of experience practicing in clinical or community health preferred....2016-04-13
Patient Services RepresentativeSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-04-13
Insurance Verification SpecialistSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-04-09
Medical Assistant IISeattleManage medical supplies, pharmacological agents, in-house labs tests, and equipment including inventory, stocking, and ordering within budget guidelines....2016-04-09
School-based Mental Health TherapistSeattleEligible candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology and are licensed as a LICSW, LMFT, LMHC, or...2016-04-09
Senior RecruiterSeattleSource candidates using networking, social media, events, competitive intelligence/research, sourcing tools and TM Programs such as employee referrals,...2016-04-09
Coding/Billing SupervisorSeattleCarries minimal risk of exposure to infectious agents, including HIV, Hepatitis, and TB. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical...2016-04-08
Patient Services Rep-School Based and Homeless ProgramsSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-04-07
Locum Primary Care ProviderSeattleWorking with our multilingual staff, we approach patient care with core values of social justice, community understanding and excellence....2016-04-06
Medical Assistant IISeattleManage medical supplies, pharmacological agents, in-house labs tests, and equipment including inventory, stocking, and ordering within budget guidelines....2016-04-04
Behavioral Health ConsultantSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-04-01
Pharmacy TechnicianSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-03-31
Patient Services Representative-Vietnamese FluentSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-03-31
Security OfficerSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-03-30
Site Dental Director - Pacific TowerSeattleMotivated self-starter that can work independently in a fast paced, ambiguous environment with limited supervision. New Dental Clinic and Education Center....2016-03-30
Ballard Homeless Clinic Mental HealthSeattleEligible candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology and are licensed as a LICSW, LMFT, LMHC, or...2016-03-25
Perinatal Coordinator-MidwiferySeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-03-24
Medical Family Team Mental Health TherapistSeattleEligi ble candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology and are licensed as a LICSW, LMFT, LMHC, or...2016-03-24
Facilities AssistantSeattleMotivated self-starter that can work independently in a fast paced, ambiguous environment with limited supervision....2016-03-19
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-03-15
Community Health Worker- Homeless OutreachSeattleThe community health workers will help residents achieve this by providing health education and information, serving as a cultural mediator between the...2016-03-15
Managed Care CoordinatorSeattleIncluding, but not limited to mammography, pap smear, colon cancer screening, etc. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical,...2016-03-04
Referral CoordinatorSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-03-01
Medical ClerkSeattlePerform a variety of standard tests and medical technical services such as but not limited to, vision screening, audiometry and hearing tests,...2016-02-27
Medical ClerkSeattlePerform a variety of standard tests and medical technical services such as but not limited to, vision screening, audiometry and hearing tests,...2016-02-26
DentistSeattleAll EDR entries must be concise, accurate and limited to clinical findings and discussions with the patient concerning their care....2016-02-23
School-based Mental Health TherapistSeattleEligible candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology and are licensed as a LICSW, LMFT, LMHC, or...2016-02-20
Referral CoordinatorSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-02-10
Medical Clinic SupervisorSeattleSupervise assigned staff, including but not limited to MAs and MCs, including recruitment, hiring, orientation, training, coaching, and skills development,...2016-02-08
Medical Clinic SupervisorSeattleSupervise assigned staff, including but not limited to MAs and MCs, including recruitment, hiring, orientation, training, coaching, and skills development,...2016-02-08
Medical Clinic SupervisorSeattleSupervise assigned staff, including but not limited to MAs and MCs, including recruitment, hiring, orientation, training, coaching, and skills development,...2016-02-08
Medical Clinic SupervisorSeattleSupervise assigned staff, including but not limited to MAs and MCs, including recruitment, hiring, orientation, training, coaching, and skills development,...2016-02-08
Medical Clinic SupervisorSeattleSupervise assigned staff, including but not limited to MAs and MCs, including recruitment, hiring, orientation, training, coaching, and skills development,...2016-02-08
Medical Clinic SupervisorSeattleSupervise assigned staff, including but not limited to MAs and MCs, including recruitment, hiring, orientation, training, coaching, and skills development,...2016-02-08
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-02-04
DentistSeattleAll EDR entries must be concise, accurate and limited to clinical findings and discussions with the patient concerning their care....2016-02-04
Referral CoordinatorSeattleNeighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental and school-based clinics, and is the leading provider to low-income and2016-02-04
Behavioral Health CounselorSeattleWe believe in social justice, community, cultural sensitivity and excellence. Eligible candidates have a Master's degree in Social Work, Counseling or related...2016-02-04
Behavioral Health Counselor- Youth ClinicSeattleMedical care, dental care every Thursday, acupuncture, mental health counseling, HIV counseling, YOGA classes, naturopathy, meditation, massage, health...2016-02-04
Administrative Assistant IISeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2016-02-04
Managed Care CoordinatorSeattleIncluding, but not limited to mammography, pap smear, colon cancer screening, etc. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical,...2016-02-04
Family Practice Medicine-LocumSeattleStaff include practice partners, primary care RNs, behavioral health, social workers, community health educators, certified diabetic educators....2016-02-04
DentistSeattleAll EDR entries must be concise, accurate and limited to clinical findings and discussions with the patient concerning their care....2016-02-04
Dental AssistantSeattleIncluding but not limited to, exam, restorative, extractions, root canals, crowns, hygiene, sealants, etc. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care...2016-02-04
Dental AssistantSeattleIncluding but not limited to, exam, restorative, extractions, root canals, crowns, hygiene, sealants, etc. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care...2016-02-04
DentistSeattleAll EDR entries must be concise, accurate and limited to clinical findings and discussions with the patient concerning their care....2016-02-04
Dental AssistantSeattleIncluding but not limited to, exam, restorative, extractions, root canals, crowns, hygiene, sealants, etc. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care...2016-02-04
Managed Care Coordinator- Neighborcare HealthSeattleWe are committed to social justice and culturally sensitive care delivery by creating collaborative and trusting relationships with both our patients and staff....2016-01-02
Managed Care Coordinator- Neighborcare HealthSeattleWe are committed to social justice and culturally sensitive care delivery by creating collaborative and trusting relationships with both our patients and staff....2016-01-02
Primary Care Provider- Neighborcare Health-LocumsSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, caring for our community and excellence. Staff include practice partners, primary care RNs,...2015-12-31
Primary Care Provider- Neighborcare Health-LocumsSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, caring for our community and excellence. Staff include practice partners, primary care RNs,...2015-12-30
Reach Registered Nurse at Neighborcare HealthSeattle1 year experience in a primary care, hospital or home care setting, or comparable social service setting. The Reach RN works to manage the patient population of...2015-12-18
Continuous Improvement Manager, Pacific Tower AdministrativeSeattleSocial Justice, Cultural Sensitivity, Community, and Excellence. The Mission of Neighborcare Health is to provide comprehensive health care to families and...2015-12-04
Continuous Improvement Manager, Pacific Tower AdministrativeSeattleSocial Justice, Cultural Sensitivity, Community, and Excellence. The Mission of Neighborcare Health is to provide comprehensive health care to families and...2015-12-03
Spanish Fluent Community Health Worker, High PointSeattleThe community health workers will help residents achieve this by providing health education and information, serving as a cultural mediator between the...2015-11-22
Spanish Fluent Community Health Worker, High PointSeattleThe community health workers will help residents achieve this by providing health education and information, serving as a cultural mediator between the...2015-11-21
Administrative Assistant II- Neighborcare Health at Columbia CitySeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2015-11-20
Administrative Assistant II- Neighborcare Health at Columbia CitySeattleCoordinate with facilities management to include but not limited to, purchasing, leasing, supervision and scheduling of routine building/office equipment repair...2015-11-20
RN Coordinator- Neighborcare Health at Homeless ProgramsSeattle1 year experience in a primary care, hospital or home care setting, or comparable social service setting....2015-11-19
RN Coordinator- Neighborcare Health at Homeless ProgramsSeattle1 year experience in a primary care, hospital or home care setting, or comparable social service setting....2015-11-18
ARNP/PA-C at Neighborcare Health-School-Base Clinics (Locums)SeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, caring for our community and excellence. Looking for an ARNP/PA-C join Neighborcare Health in the...2015-11-13
ARNP/PA-C at Neighborcare Health-School-Base ClinicsSeattleWe approach patient care with core values of social justice, caring for our community and excellence. Looking for an ARNP/PA-C join Neighborcare Health in the...2015-11-12
Patient Services Supervisor at Neighborcare Health- Pike ClinicSeattleWe believe in social justice, community, cultural sensitivity and excellence. Become part of a SUPERSTAR team....2015-11-12
Somali Interpreter at Neighborcare Health- High Point ClinicSeattleWe believe in social justice, community, cultural sensitivity and excellence. Neighborcare Health offers high quality health care through its medical, dental...2015-11-12
Patient Services Supervisor at Neighborcare Health- Pike ClinicSeattleWe believe in social justice, community, cultural sensitivity and excellence. Become part of a SUPERSTAR team....2015-11-11
Somali Interpreter at Neighborcare Health- High Point ClinicSeattleThe Interpreter will interpret or translate information between limited or non-English speaking patients and medical personnel or others....2015-11-11
Mental Health Therapist at Neighborcare Health-Homeless Youth ClinicSeattleMasters degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology. The Homeless Youth Clinic Mental Health Counselor will coordinate and perform...2015-11-06
Mental Health Therapist at Neighborcare Health-Homeless Youth ClinicSeattleMasters degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field, or PhD in Psychology. The Homeless Youth Clinic Mental Health Counselor will coordinate and perform...2015-11-06
Dental Biller/Follow Up Specialist- Neighborcare Health at GeorgetownSeattleCarries minimal risk of exposure to infectious agents, including HIV, Hepatitis, and TB. The Dental Billing/Follow-up Specialist will provide accurate and...2015-10-10
Dental Biller/Follow Up Specialist- Neighborcare Health at GeorgetownSeattleCarries minimal risk of exposure to infectious agents, including HIV, Hepatitis, and TB. The Dental Billing/Follow-up Specialist will provide accurate and...2015-10-09

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Corporation Filing History
Washington Secretary of State Corporations Division Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Washington Secretary of State Corporations Division where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2021-05-10Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2021-05-01Washington State DoS: ARDUEDATE
2020-06-16Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2020-05-01Washington State DoS: ARDUEDATE
2019-06-11Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2019-05-01Washington State DoS: ARDUEDATE
2018-05-17Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2018-05-01Washington State DoS: ARDUEDATE
2017-07-19Washington State DoS: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2017-06-15Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2016-06-13Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2015-06-05Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2014-06-28Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2013-06-18Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2012-06-25Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2011-05-16Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2010-06-04Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2009-06-29Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2009-05-20Washington State DoS: ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
2008-06-30Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2007-07-02Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2006-08-17Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2005-06-29Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2004-12-22Washington State DoS: MERGER
2004-06-10Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2003-07-01Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2002-06-13Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2001-06-18Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
2000-06-06Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1999-06-28Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1990-02-09Washington State DoS: Application for Status as a Public Benefit
1988-05-25Washington State DoS: ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
1987-01-12Washington State DoS: ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
1985-03-06Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1983-03-01Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1982-03-11Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1982-03-11Washington State DoS: Statement of Change
1981-03-02Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1980-03-03Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1979-03-20Washington State DoS: Statement of Change
1979-03-01Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1978-04-10Washington State DoS: Statement of Change
1978-03-06Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1977-03-03Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1976-03-01Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1975-10-15Washington State DoS: ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
1975-01-31Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1974-03-25Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1973-03-01Washington State DoS: ANNUAL REPORT
1972-06-26Washington State DoS: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
Industry Information
621999 - All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services
621111 - Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists)

Licences & Regulatory approval
Issuing organisationLicence TypeLicence NumberStatusIssue dateExpiry date
Seattle, Washington State Department of Licensing and Regulation 2001-01-01 Seattle Business license 2010.
Seattle, Washington State Department of Licensing and Regulation 2001-01-01 Seattle Business license 2011.
Seattle, Washington State Department of Licensing and Regulation 2001-01-01 Seattle Business license 2012.
Seattle, Washington State Department of Licensing and Regulation 2001-01-01 Seattle Business license 2013.
Washington State Business Licensing Service 600138418 Business ID:001 Location ID:0014 license Active 2001-07-12 2016-06-30 Minor Work Permit license
Washington State Business Licensing Service 600138418 Business ID:001 Location ID:0014 license Active 2007-08-11 2016-06-30 Dental X-ray license
Washington State Business Licensing Service 600138418 Business ID:001 Location ID:0014 license Active 2007-08-11 2016-06-30 X-ray: Dental/Podiatry/Veterinary license
Washington State Business Licensing Service 600138418 Business ID:001 Location ID:0028 license Active 2015-12-04 2016-06-30 Minor Work Permit license

How is this useful? Licences can be a barrier to entry or shows that the company is subject to regulation.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH
Legal Events
Court Hearings
CourtJudgeDateCase NumberCase Title
United States District Court for the Western District of Washington 2017-06-30 to 2017-09-05 2:17-cv-00980 C.J.B. v. Neighborcare Health et al
2017-09-05Receipt (court notes)
2017-09-05Receipt (court notes)
2017-09-05Receipt (court notes)
2017-09-05Receipt (court notes)
2017-08-23Notice of Corrected Image/Document (court notes)
2017-08-23Remand Letter (court notes)
2017-08-08~Util - Terminate Case (court notes)
2017-08-08~Util - Terminate Motions (court notes)
2017-08-08Order to Remand Case (court notes)
2017-08-02Terminate Motions (Public, notice to parties)
2017-07-28~Util - Terminate Deadlines/Hearings (court notes)
2017-07-28Order on Motion to Stay (court notes)
2017-07-26Reply to Response to Motion (court notes)
2017-07-25Stay (court notes)
2017-07-24Stay (court notes)
2017-07-10Joint Status Report Order (court notes)
2017-07-07~Util - Add and Terminate Parties (court notes)
2017-07-071 - Order (court notes)
2017-07-06Add and Terminate Attorneys
2017-07-06Declaration (court notes)
2017-07-06Dismiss (court notes)
2017-07-06Response (non motion) (court notes)
2017-07-05Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2017-06-30Corporate Disclosure Statement - Notice of Deadlines
2017-06-30Judge Assignment Letter (court notes)
2017-06-30Add and Terminate Judges
Intangible Assets
We have not found any records of NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH registering or being granted any patents
Domain Names
We do not have the domain name information for NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH
We have not found any records of NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH registering or being granted any trademarks
Government Income

Government spend with NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH

Government Department Income DateTransaction(s) Value Services/Products
Massachusetts Mass Rehabilitation Commission 2012-12-31 USD $20 Legal Support Services VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION-DETERMINATION

How is this useful? The company sells into the government and has the following income from government. This provides an indication of the sources of their revenue. This is unlikely to be a complete picture of their income from government sources since many councils and countries do not disclose this information or do so inconsistently. For example UK central government has a £ 25,000 transaction threshold which means it is possible for significant spend to not be disclosed. Where there are multiple transactions in a month, we consolidate daily transactions to provide an aggregate value for the month - the description will apply to the first transaction and the total may not reflect all spend on the description.

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR
European Union CORDIS Awards
The European Union has not awarded NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH any grants or awards.
    We could not find any group structure information
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