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Home > USA > Texas State Companies > SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.
Company Information for


PO BOX 36611 C/O 6TX, DALLAS, TX, 75235,
Company Registration Number

Company Overview

About Southwest Airlines Co.
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. was founded on 1967-03-09 and has its registered office in Dallas. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Southwest Airlines Co. is a TEXAS PROFIT CORPORATION registered in United States of America (USA) with Texas Secretary of State
Key Data
Company Name
Legal Registered Office / Registered Agent
PO BOX 36611 C/O 6TX
Filing Information
Company Number USTX0023294100
Texas SoS ID# 0023294100
Date formed 1967-03-09
Country United States of America (USA)
Origin Country United States of America (USA)
CompanyStatus Active
Lastest accounts 
Account next due 
Latest return 
Return next due 
Type of accounts 
401k Plan Filings 401k Plan Data  
IRS EIN:   741563240
Jurisdiction Texas Secretary of State
Last Datalog update: 2023-01-10 01:28:07
Primary Source:Texas Secretary of State
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Companies with same name SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.
The following companies were found which have the same name as SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO North Carolina Unknown
Southwest Airlines Co Maryland Unknown
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES GOLDEN EAGLES 600 BEVERLY DR COLLEYVILLE TX 76034 Active Company formed on the 2021-04-06
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES RENEWABLE VENTURES LLC PO BOX 36611 DALLAS TX 75235 Active Company formed on the 2023-07-27
Corporation Filing History
Texas Secretary of State Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Texas Secretary of State where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2024-05-20Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report Principal address changed
2023-05-24Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report Principal address changed, Change in registered agent information
2023-01-10Change of company status detected from Dissolved to Active
2022-05-17Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2021-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2021-05-24Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2021-03-23Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2021-02-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ARDUEDATE
2020-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2020-12-21Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2021 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 06029817. Fee paid USD$50.00
2020-05-22Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2020-03-23Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2020-02-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ARDUEDATE
2020-01-28Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: COMMERCIAL STATEMENT OF CHANGE
2019-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2019-12-20Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2020 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 05341136. Fee paid USD$50.00
2019-05-17Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2019-03-19Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2019-03-14Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2019-02-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ARDUEDATE
2018-12-17Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2019 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 04040556. Fee paid USD$50.00
2018-11-14New York State corporate registry. GARY C KELLY declared as CEO
2018-09-19Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2018-09-19Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2018-06-27Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2018-05-02Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2018-03-22Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2018-03-12Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2018-02-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ARDUEDATE
2018-01-01Virginia Secretary of State: Agent address registered as: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 100 SHOCKOE SLIP, 2ND FLOOR, RICHMOND, VA, 23219. Agent Type: B.E. AUTH IN VIRGINIA
2018-01-01Virginia Secretary of State: Agent address registered as: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 100 Shockoe Slip Fl 2, , Richmond, VA, 23219-4100. Agent Type: B.E. AUTH IN VIRGINIA
2017-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2017-12-13Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2018 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 03205095. Fee paid USD$50.00
2017-11-08Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2017-10-24Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Statement of Change Changing the Registered Agent Information Registered agent address changed; Document lists all affected entities.
2017-10-18Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2017-08-07Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2017-05-04Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2017-03-16Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2017-03-02Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. ARTHUR JEFFERSON LAMB declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. TAMMY N ROMO declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. ROBERT EDWARD JORDAN declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. MARK R SHAW declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. MICHAEL G VAN DE VEN declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. WILLIAM H CUNNINGHAM declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. J VERONICA BIGGINS declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. THOMAS M NEALON declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. NANCY B LOEFFLER declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. DAVID W BIEGLER declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. DOUGLAS H BROOKS declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. JOHN T MONTFORD declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. JOHN G DENISON declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. RON RICKS declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. GRACE LIEBLEIN declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. DAVID CHRISTOPHER MONROE declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. GARY C KELLY declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. DR THOMAS W GILLIGAN declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. GREG WELLS declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. MARILYN POST declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 601088548. NAN BERRRY declared in company officer role of Governor
2016-12-14Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2017 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 02666229. Fee paid USD$50.00
2016-10-27Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2016-10-12Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2016-07-13Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2016-05-10Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2016-04-20Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: Statement of Change
2016-03-15Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2016-02-26Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2015-11-16Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2016 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 02357883. Fee paid USD$50.00
2015-10-30Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2015-05-06Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2015-04-29Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2015-03-24Oregon Department of State: CHANGE OF REGISTERED AGENT/ADDRESS
2015-03-16Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2014-12-11Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2015 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 02143457. Fee paid USD$50.00
2014-11-25Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2014-10-31Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2014-10-30Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2014-05-09Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report Change of Entity Address
2014-03-20Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2014-03-14Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2013-12-11Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2014 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01944658. Fee paid USD$50.00
2013-09-11Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2013-09-11Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2013-05-30Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report Change of Entity Address
2013-03-21Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2013-03-14Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2012-10-29Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2013 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01619497. Fee paid USD$50.00
2012-09-13Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2012-05-25Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2012-03-15Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2012-03-15Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2011-12-20Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2012 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01450879. Fee paid USD$50.00
2011-08-18Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2011-05-09Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2011-05-04Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Foreign entity registration in jurisdiction
2011-03-14Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2011-03-11Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2010-12-27Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2011 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01259584. Fee paid USD$50.00
2010-05-10Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2010-03-05Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2010-03-03Oregon Department of State: AMNDMT TO ANNUAL RPT/INFO STATEMENT
2010-03-02Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2009-12-28Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2010 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01094403. Fee paid USD$50.00
2009-04-28Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2009-03-16Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2009-03-16Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2009-01-16Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2009 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00966728. Fee paid USD$50.00
2008-05-02Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2008-03-18Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2008-03-10Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2007-12-31Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2008 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00838110. Fee paid USD$50.00
2007-05-03Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2007-03-08Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2007-03-06Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2006-12-19Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2007 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00744871. Fee paid USD$50.00
2006-11-10Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Filing Officer Correction Registered agent's street address augmented to include the suite number
2006-05-08Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2006-03-15Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2006-03-14Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2005-12-23Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2006 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00692218. Fee paid USD$50.00
2005-05-04Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):File Report
2005-03-21Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2005-03-18Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2004-12-27Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2005 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00644499. Fee paid USD$50.00
2004-05-10Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Statement of Older Periodic Report PERIODIC REPORT
2004-03-19Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2004-03-17Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2003-12-29Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2004 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00598788. Fee paid USD$50.00
2003-05-02Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Statement of Older Periodic Report CORP REPORT
2003-03-21Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2003-03-18Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2002-12-27Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2003 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00556245. Fee paid USD$50.00
2002-05-08Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Statement of Older Periodic Report CORP REPORT
2002-03-21Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2002-03-21Oregon Department of State: AMNDMT TO ANNUAL RPT/INFO STATEMENT
2002-03-18Oregon Department of State: ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT
2002-01-07Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2002 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00508961. Fee paid USD$50.00
2001-09-21Virginia Secretary of State: Principal address registered as: 2702 LOVE FIELD DRIVE DALLAS TX 75235-1908
2001-03-20Oregon Department of State: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
2001-03-19Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
2001-01-05Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2001 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00471425. Fee paid USD$50.00
2000-06-02Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Statement of Older Periodic Report CORP REPORT
2000-03-27Oregon Department of State: STRAIGHT RENEWAL
2000-03-22Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
1999-12-03Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 2000 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00437231. Fee paid USD$25.00
1999-04-09Oregon Department of State: STRAIGHT RENEWAL
1999-03-31Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: ANNUAL REPORT
1999-01-11Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 1999 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00411315. Fee paid USD$25.00
1998-05-19Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Statement of Older Periodic Report PERIODIC REPORT
1998-03-17Oregon Department of State: STRAIGHT RENEWAL
1997-03-24Oregon Department of State: STRAIGHT RENEWAL
1996-10-14Oregon Department of State: AGENT/AUTH REP CHNG
1996-05-31Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Statement of Older Periodic Report PERIODIC REPORT
1996-03-15Oregon Department of State: STRAIGHT RENEWAL
1995-05-12Oregon Department of State: AMENDED RENEWAL
1995-04-05Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Amendment CHANGE RORA
1994-03-18Washington DoS Entity 601088548. State registration of Foreign entity
1994-03-18Washington DoS Foreign entity 601088548: FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT
1994-03-18Oregon Department of State: NEW FILING
1994-03-17Colorado DoS foreign entity filing (entityID = 19941031789):Application for Authority SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.
1967-03-09Texas Comptroller Franchise Tax Registration. Tax payer ID: 17415632409
1967-03-09Texas Department of State. Status changed to Active
1800-01-01Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 1996 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00335594. Fee paid USD$25.00
1800-01-01Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 1998 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00383412. Fee paid USD$25.00
1800-01-01Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1986-000233143): 1997 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00357992. Fee paid USD$25.00
Industry Information
481111 - Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation
481000 -  Air Transportation

Licences & Regulatory approval
Issuing organisationLicence TypeLicence NumberStatusIssue dateExpiry date
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Texas Fuels tax license holder: AVIATION FUEL DEALER Company: SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. City: DALLAS ZIP: 75235-1611
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Texas Fuels tax license holder: DIESEL FUEL SUPPLIER Company: SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. City: DALLAS ZIP: 75235-1611
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Texas Fuels tax license holder: AVIATION FUEL DEALER Company: SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO City: DALLAS ZIP: 75235-1611
New York City Department of Consumer Affairs Inspection 31484-2021-ENFO Violation Issued 2021-09-03 Inspection of Other. Premise: 2702 LOVE FIELD DR DALLAS for certificate P0097721. Outcome: Violation Issued
State of Texas Comptroller Sales Tax 17415632409 1977-12-30 Texas Sales tax registration type SALES TAX. First sale date 07/01/1976. Permit issue date 12/30/1977. Registered Tax Payer Address: PO BOX 36611 ATTN6TX,DALLAS,TX,75235 Registered Outlet Address: SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO,DALLAS LOVE FIELD AIRPORT,DALLAS,TX,75235
State of Texas Comptroller Sales Tax 17415632409 2021-03-11 Texas Sales tax registration type SALES TAX. First sale date 04/12/2021. Permit issue date 03/11/2021. Registered Tax Payer Address: PO BOX 36611 C/O 6TX,DALLAS,TX,75235 Registered Outlet Address: SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.,2800 N TERMINAL RD,HOUSTON,TX,77032

How is this useful? Licences can be a barrier to entry or shows that the company is subject to regulation.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.
Legal Events
Court Hearings
CourtJudgeDateCase NumberCase Title
Western District of Texas 2016-02-29 to 2016-03-01 1:14-cv-01056 Smith v. Southwest Airlines Co.
2016-03-01Order Dismissing Case (court notes)
2016-02-29Dismiss (court notes)
Western District of Texas 2016-07-27 to 2018-11-14 1:16-cv-00910 Clark v. Southwest Airlines Co.
2018-11-14USCA Order (NOT Judgment/Mandate) (court notes)
2018-05-11USCA Judgment/Mandate (court notes)
2017-12-05Appeal Record Accepted and Available Electronically
2017-11-17Notice of Appeal
2017-11-16Notice of Filing (court notes)
2017-11-16Notice of Appeal (court notes)
2017-10-27Order Dismissing Case (court notes)
2017-10-26Order on Motion for Summary Judgment (court notes)
2017-10-24Notice of Attorney Appearance (court notes)
2017-10-20Notice (court notes)
2017-10-20In Limine (court notes)
2017-10-20Notice (court notes)
2017-10-20Witness List (court notes)
2017-10-20Exhibit List (court notes)
2017-10-20Stipulation (court notes)
2017-10-20Proposed Jury Instructions (court notes)
2017-10-20Notice (court notes)
2017-10-20Proposed Voir Dire (court notes)
2017-10-20Exhibit List (court notes)
2017-10-19Notice of Filing (court notes)
2017-10-19Witness List (court notes)
2017-10-19Proposed Jury Instructions (court notes)
2017-10-19Proposed Voir Dire (court notes)
2017-10-19In Limine (court notes)
2017-10-19Exhibit List (court notes)
2017-10-19Notice (court notes)
2017-10-18Order on Motion to Continue (court notes)
2017-10-17Continue (court notes)
2017-10-16Order (court notes)
2017-09-12Motions No Longer Referred
2017-09-12Order on Motion to Strike (court notes)
2017-09-07Motions Referred
2017-09-07Order on Motion to Strike
2017-09-05Response in Opposition to Motion (court notes)
2017-08-25Strike (court notes)
2017-08-25Reply to Response to Motion (court notes)
2017-08-12Response in Opposition to Motion (court notes)
2017-08-04Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
2017-08-03Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (court notes)
2017-07-20Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
2017-07-19Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (court notes)
2017-07-12Summary Judgment (court notes)
2017-06-30Order on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney
2017-06-29Withdraw as Attorney (court notes)
2017-04-21Order on Motion to Stay Case (court notes)
2017-04-03Supplement (court notes)
2017-03-03Witness/Exhibit/Expert List (court notes)
2017-02-06ADR Report - Other (court notes)
2017-02-06Reply to Response to Motion (court notes)
2017-02-02Response in Opposition to Motion (court notes)
2017-01-26Stay Case (court notes)
2016-12-15Protective Order (court notes)
2016-07-28Order (court notes)
2016-07-28Jury Demand
2016-07-28Case Assigned/Reassigned
2016-07-27Notice of Removal (court notes)
Western District of Texas 2017-06-09 to 2017-12-27 1:17-cv-00556 Browning v. Southwest Airlines Co.
2017-12-27Acknowledgment of District Case Transfer
2017-12-26Order on Motion to Change Venue (court notes)
2017-08-28Reply to Response to Motion (court notes)
2017-08-21Response in Opposition to Motion (court notes)
2017-08-17Scheduling Recommendations/Proposed Scheduling Order (court notes)
2017-08-14Change Venue (court notes)
2017-08-10Order on Motion to Change Venue
2017-08-10Scheduling Recommendations/Proposed Scheduling Order (court notes)
2017-08-09Change Venue (court notes)
2017-06-16Answer to Complaint (court notes)
2017-06-12Order (court notes)
2017-06-12Jury Demand
2017-06-12Case Assigned/Reassigned
2017-06-09Notice of Removal (court notes)
Western District of Texas 2018-12-11 to 2019-01-11 1:18-cv-01067 Richmond v. Southwest Airlines Co.
2019-01-11Acknowledgment of District Case Transfer
2019-01-11Conditional Transfer Order (court notes)
2018-12-11Notice of Removal (court notes)
2018-12-11Order (court notes)
2018-12-11Pro Hac Vice Letter (court notes)
2018-12-11Case Assigned/Reassigned
Western District of Texas 2018-12-12 to 2019-01-11 1:18-cv-01073 Montgomery v. Southwest Airlines Co.
2019-01-11Acknowledgment of District Case Transfer
2019-01-11Conditional Transfer Order (court notes)
2018-12-13Order (court notes)
2018-12-13Pro Hac Vice Letter (court notes)
2018-12-13Case Assigned/Reassigned
2018-12-12Notice (court notes)
Western District of Texas 2018-12-12 to 2019-01-11 1:18-cv-01074 Hall v. Southwest Airlines Co.
2019-01-11Acknowledgment of District Case Transfer
2019-01-11Conditional Transfer Order (court notes)
2018-12-12Order (court notes)
2018-12-12Pro Hac Vice Letter (court notes)
2018-12-12Case Assigned/Reassigned
2018-12-12Notice of Removal (court notes)
SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS 2015-12-09 to 2015-12-09 4:13-cv-02137 Lyerly v. Southwest Airlines Co.
2015-12-09Judgment - Final (court notes)
2015-12-09Memorandum and Opinion (court notes)
SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS 2018-09-19 to 2022-04-01 4:18-cv-03334 Parker v. Southwest Airlines Co.
2022-04-01Dismissal (court notes)
2022-03-31Dismiss (court notes)
2022-03-16Notice of Filing of Official Transcript - (FORM, noticing) (court notes)
2022-03-15Transcript (court notes)
2022-03-13Minute Entry Order (court notes)
2022-03-08AO435 Transcript Request (court notes)
2022-03-08AO435 Transcript Request (court notes)
2022-03-07Reply to Response to Motion (court notes)
2022-03-07Reply to Response to Motion (court notes)
2022-03-04Response to Motion (court notes)
2022-03-03Response in Opposition to Motion (court notes)
2022-03-03Exhibits (court notes)
2022-03-01Document (court notes)
2022-02-25Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2022-02-25Document (court notes)
2022-02-25In Limine (court notes)
2022-02-24Order on Motion for Extension of Time (court notes)
2022-02-22Extension of Time (court notes)
2022-02-22In Limine (court notes)
2022-02-07Other Notice (court notes)
2022-01-24Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2022-01-24Appear (court notes)
2022-01-07Order (court notes)
2022-01-07Order (court notes)
2021-11-22Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2021-11-22Reply to Response to Motion (court notes)
2021-10-22Summary Judgment (court notes)
2021-10-22Exclude (court notes)
2021-09-29Settlement Conference
2021-08-30Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings
2021-08-30Order on Motion to Stay (court notes)
2021-08-26Stay (court notes)
2021-08-19Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2021-08-11Minute Entry Order (court notes)
2021-08-05Document (court notes)
2021-08-03Exhibits (court notes)
2021-08-03Exhibits (court notes)
2021-07-20Document (court notes)
2021-07-20Proposed Jury Charge (court notes)
2021-07-20Proposed Voir Dire Questions (court notes)
2021-07-20In Limine (court notes)
2021-07-20Pretrial Memorandum (court notes)
2021-07-20Witness List (court notes)
2021-07-20Exhibit List (court notes)
2021-07-20In Limine (court notes)
2021-07-20Proposed Pretrial Order (court notes)
2021-07-09Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2021-06-18Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2021-06-18Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2021-06-18Scheduling Order (court notes)
2021-03-31Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2020-08-26Remark (*PUBLIC ENTRY)
2020-08-24Status Report (court notes)
2020-08-18Order (court notes)
2020-07-27Order (court notes)
2020-04-14~Util - Terminate Deadlines (court notes)
2020-04-14Order (court notes)
2020-03-16Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2020-03-13Reset (court notes)
2020-03-10Order (court notes)
2020-01-21Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2020-01-10Response to Motion (court notes)
2019-10-23Notice of Reassignment (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2019-01-23Protective Order (court notes)
2019-01-22Entry of Order (court notes)
2019-01-02Order (court notes)
2019-01-021 - Terminate Deadlines and Hearings (court notes)
2019-01-02Other Notice (court notes)
2018-12-20Proposed Order (court notes)
2018-12-20Joint Discovery/Case Management Plan (court notes)
2018-10-31Return of Service Executed (court notes)
2018-10-18Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2018-10-12Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2018-10-08Answer to Complaint (court notes)
2018-09-20Order for Initial Conference - FORM (court notes)
2018-09-20Summons Issued/Not Issued
2018-09-19Summons - Request for Issuance (court notes)
2018-09-19Complaint (court notes)
SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS 2023-01-12 to 2024-02-24 4:23-cv-00115 Teroganesian v. Southwest Airlines Co. et al
2024-02-24Reply to Response to Motion (court notes)
2024-01-29Memorandum (court notes)
2024-01-26Memorandum (court notes)
2023-11-21Dismiss (court notes)
2023-11-20Declaration (court notes)
2023-11-13Order on Motion for Extension of Time (court notes)
2023-11-13Extension of Time (court notes)
2023-09-26Summons Issued/Not Issued (court notes)
2023-08-08Advisory (court notes)
2023-07-21Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-07-21Order (court notes)
2023-07-17Referring Case to Magistrate Judge (court notes)
2023-07-17Terminate Deadlines (PUBLIC ENTRY)
2023-07-17Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-07-17Order on Motion to Appoint (court notes)
2023-06-14Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-06-14Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-06-07Proposed Order (court notes)
2023-06-07Proposed Order (court notes)
2023-06-07Document (court notes)
2023-06-07Document (court notes)
2023-06-07Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-06-07Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-05-25Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-25Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-25Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-25Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-25Joint Discovery/Case Management Plan (court notes)
2023-05-25Joint Discovery/Case Management Plan (court notes)
2023-05-25Joint Discovery/Case Management Plan (court notes)
2023-05-25Joint Discovery/Case Management Plan (court notes)
2023-05-24Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-24Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-24Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-24Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-12Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-05-12Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-05-12Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-04-18Surreply to Motion (court notes)
2023-04-18Surreply to Motion (court notes)
2023-04-18Surreply to Motion (court notes)
2023-04-18Order on Motion for Leave to File (court notes)
2023-04-17Leave to File Document (court notes)
2023-04-14Surreply to Motion (court notes)
2023-04-14Surreply to Motion (court notes)
2023-04-14Surreply to Motion (court notes)
2023-04-14Order on Motion for Leave to File (court notes)
2023-04-14Leave to File Document (court notes)
2023-04-14Leave to File Document (court notes)
2023-04-14Leave to File Document (court notes)
2023-04-11Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2023-04-11Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2023-04-11Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2023-04-10Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2023-04-10Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2023-04-10Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2023-04-10Reply in Support of Motion (court notes)
2023-04-04Memorandum (court notes)
2023-04-04Memorandum (court notes)
2023-04-03Response in Opposition to Motion (court notes)
2023-04-03Other Notice (court notes)
2023-04-03Other Notice (court notes)
2023-04-03Response to Motion (court notes)
2023-04-03Response to Motion (court notes)
2023-03-27Order (court notes)
2023-03-27Order (court notes)
2023-03-27Order (court notes)
2023-03-27Order (court notes)
2023-03-27Order (court notes)
2023-03-27Order (court notes)
2023-03-27Order (court notes)
2023-03-27Order (court notes)
2023-03-27Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-03-27Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-03-22Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-03-22Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-03-22Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-03-22Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-03-14Declaration (court notes)
2023-03-14Declaration (court notes)
2023-03-14Declaration (court notes)
2023-03-14Memorandum (court notes)
2023-03-14Memorandum (court notes)
2023-03-14Memorandum (court notes)
2023-03-14Appointment (court notes)
2023-03-14Appointment (court notes)
2023-03-14Appointment (court notes)
2023-03-14Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-03-14Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-03-14Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-03-14Declaration (court notes)
2023-03-14Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-03-13Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-03-13Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-03-13Miscellaneous Relief (court notes)
2023-02-14Notice of Reassignment (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-02-14Notice of Reassignment (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-02-14Notice of Reassignment (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-02-07Return of Service Executed (court notes)
2023-02-07Return of Service Executed (court notes)
2023-02-01Order (court notes)
2023-01-30Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2023-01-30Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2023-01-30Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2023-01-30Notice of Appearance (court notes)
2023-01-27Extension of Time (court notes)
2023-01-27Extension of Time (court notes)
2023-01-27Extension of Time (court notes)
2023-01-27Extension of Time (court notes)
2023-01-19Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-01-19Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-01-19Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-01-19Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-01-18Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-01-18Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-01-18Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-01-18Appear Pro Hac Vice (court notes)
2023-01-17Order for Conference - FORM - Hughes (court notes)
2023-01-17Order for Conference - FORM - Hughes (court notes)
2023-01-17Order for Conference - FORM - Hughes (court notes)
2023-01-13Summons Issued/Not Issued (court notes)
2023-01-13Summons Issued/Not Issued (court notes)
2023-01-13Summons Issued/Not Issued (court notes)
2023-01-13Order for Conference - FORM - Hughes (court notes)
2023-01-13Order for Conference - FORM - Hughes (court notes)
2023-01-13Order for Conference - FORM - Hughes (court notes)
2023-01-12Summons - Request for Issuance (court notes)
2023-01-12Complaint (court notes)
SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS 2023-03-13 to 2023-06-20 4:23-cv-00920 Carlson v. Southwest Airlines Co. et al
2023-06-20Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-06-20Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-06-20Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-06-20Notice of Setting/Resetting (FORM, noticing) - Civil (court notes)
2023-06-20~Util - Terminate Deadlines (court notes)
2023-06-20~Util - Terminate Deadlines (court notes)
2023-06-20~Util - Terminate Deadlines (court notes)
2023-06-20~Util - Terminate Deadlines (court notes)
2023-06-20Order (court notes)
2023-06-20Order (court notes)
2023-06-20Order (court notes)
2023-06-20Order (court notes)
2023-06-20Continuance (court notes)
2023-06-12Joint Discovery/Case Management Plan (court notes)
2023-06-12Joint Discovery/Case Management Plan (court notes)
2023-06-12Joint Discovery/Case Management Plan (court notes)
2023-05-25Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-25Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-25Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-05-25Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-04-03Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-04-03Certificate of Interested Parties (court notes)
2023-04-01Remark (*PUBLIC ENTRY)
2023-03-15Order for Initial Conference - FORM (court notes)
2023-03-15Order for Initial Conference - FORM (court notes)
2023-03-15Order for Initial Conference - FORM (court notes)
2023-03-14Summons Issued as to USA (court notes)
2023-03-14Summons Issued as to USA (court notes)
2023-03-14Summons Issued as to USA (court notes)
2023-03-13Summons - Request for Issuance (court notes)
2023-03-13Summons - Request for Issuance (court notes)
2023-03-13Summons - Request for Issuance (court notes)
Intangible Assets
We have not found any records of SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. registering or being granted any patents
Domain Names
We do not have the domain name information for SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.

Trademark applications by SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.

SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. is the Original Applicant for the trademark ™ (WIPO1270526) through the WIPO on the 2015-05-28
Air transportation of passengers and freight; air transportation services featuring a frequent flyer bonus program; airline transportation services; delivery of goods by air; freight transportation by air; making reservations and bookings for transportation; making transportation bookings and reservations for others by means of a website; on-line transportation reservation and travel ticket reservation services; online transportation reservation services; providing information in the field of air transportation via a website; providing automated check-in and ticketing services for air travelers; transport by aircraft; transport by air; transport of passengers; transport of persons and goods; transportation of passengers and/or goods by air; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for transportation.
Transport aérien de passagers et de fret; services de transport aérien sur la base d'un système de gratification aux utilisateurs réguliers; transport par le biais de compagnies aériennes; livraison de marchandises par avion; transport de fret par voie aérienne; pré-réservations et réservations de moyens de transport; services de réservation et services de pré-réservation de moyens de transport pour des tiers par le biais d'un site Web; services de réservation en ligne de transports et billets de voyage; services de réservation en ligne de moyens de transport; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine du transport aérien par le biais d'un site Web; mise à disposition de services automatiques de billetterie et d'enregistrement pour passagers aériens; transport par avion; transports aériens; transport de passagers; transport de personnes et de marchandises; transport de passagers et/ou marchandises par voie aérienne; services d'agences de voyage, à savoir réservations de transports.
Transporte aéreo de pasajeros y mercancías; servicios de transporte aéreo que ofrecen programas de recompensas para viajeros frecuentes; servicios de transporte aéreo comercial; distribución de mercancías por vía aérea; transporte de mercancías por vía aérea; reserva de servicios de transporte; realización de reservas de transporte y reservas para terceros mediante un sitio Web; servicios de reserva de billetes de viaje y servicios de reserva de medios de transporte en línea; servicios de reserva de transportes en línea; suministro de información sobre transporte aéreo mediante un sitio Web; servicios de facturación automatizada y servicios de venta de billetes para pasajeros aéreos; transporte por avión; transporte aéreo; transporte de pasajeros; transporte de personas y mercancías; transporte de pasajeros y de mercancías por vía aérea; servicios de agencias de viajes, a saber, servicios de reserva de transporte.
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. is the Original Applicant for the trademark ™ (WIPO1256427) through the WIPO on the 2015-05-26
Air transportation of passengers and freight; airline transportation services; freight transportation by air; transportation of passengers and/or goods by air.
Transport aérien de passagers et de fret; transport par le biais de compagnies aériennes; transport de fret par voie aérienne; transport de passagers et/ou marchandises par voie aérienne.
Transporte aéreo de pasajeros y mercancías; servicios de transporte aéreo comercial; transporte de mercancías por vía aérea; transporte de pasajeros y de mercancías por vía aérea.
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. is the Original Applicant for the trademark WANNA GET AWAY ™ (WIPO1303373) through the WIPO on the 2016-05-27
Transportation services by air.
Services de transport aérien.
Servicios de transporte aéreo.
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. is the Original Applicant for the trademark RAPID REWARDS ™ (WIPO1303374) through the WIPO on the 2016-05-27
Air transportation services featuring a frequent flyer bonus program.
Services de transport aérien offrant un programme de récompenses pour grands voyageurs.
Servicios de transporte aéreo que ofrecen programas de recompensas para viajeros frecuentes.
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. is the Original Applicant for the trademark Bags Fly Free ™ (WIPO1303380) through the WIPO on the 2016-05-27
Transportation services, namely, transporting passengers by air.
Services de transport, à savoir transport aérien de passagers.
Servicios de transporte, a saber, transporte de pasajeros aéreo.
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. is the Original Applicant for the trademark SWABIZ ™ (WIPO1303712) through the WIPO on the 2016-05-27
Arranging and coordinating transportation arrangements for individuals and groups; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for transportation; providing information on travel and transportation; providing information regarding travel services.
Services de mise en place et de coordination de préparatifs en matière de transport pour personnes voyageant seules ou en groupe; services d'agences de voyage, à savoir réservations de transports; mise à disposition d'informations sur les voyages et les transports; mise à disposition d'informations concernant les services de voyages.
Organización y coordinación de acuerdos de transporte para particulares y grupos; servicios de agencias de viajes, a saber, servicios de reserva de transporte; suministro de información sobre viajes y transporte; suministro de información sobre servicios de viajes.
Government Income

Government spend with SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.

Government Department Income DateTransaction(s) Value Services/Products
City of Austin, Texas Aviation 2018-10 USD $100,000 Advertising/publication -
City of Austin, Texas Aviation 2017-11 USD $98,912 Advertising/publication -

How is this useful? The company sells into the government and has the following income from government. This provides an indication of the sources of their revenue. This is unlikely to be a complete picture of their income from government sources since many councils and countries do not disclose this information or do so inconsistently. For example UK central government has a £ 25,000 transaction threshold which means it is possible for significant spend to not be disclosed. Where there are multiple transactions in a month, we consolidate daily transactions to provide an aggregate value for the month - the description will apply to the first transaction and the total may not reflect all spend on the description.

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Foreign or State Registered Offices
Office Details
Premises Address Entity IDJurisdictionRegistration DateStatus
CO 80120 US 19941031789 Colorado Department of State 0000-00-00 Good Standing
2702 LOVE FIELD DRIVE DALLAS TX 752351908 414682 Iowa Secretary of State Business Entities 2011-05-03
2702 LOVE FIELD DRIVE TX United States of America (USA) 75235-1908 1986-000233143 Wyoming Corporations Division 1986-01-09 Active
CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY SUITE 2 BARRE 05641 91310 / F32321 Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division 2011-05-04 Active
THE PRENTICE-HALL CORPORATION SYSTEM, INC. TUMWATER WA 985010000 601088548 Washington Department of State 1994-03-18 Active
100 SHOCKOE SLIP RICHMOND VA 23219 F148542 Virginia State Corporation Commission 2001-09-21 ACTIVE
2702 LOVE FIELD DRIVE HDQ-6TX DALLAS TX 75235 39093687 Oregon Secretary of State Corporations Division 1994-03-18
THE PRENTICE-HALL CORPORATION SYSTEM, INC. TALLAHASSEE FL United States Of America (USA) 32301 F95000005665 Florida Department of State Division of Corporations 1995-11-07 Active
80 STATE STREET ALBANY NEW YORK 12207-2543 2349196 New York Department of State 1999-02-23

Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR
European Union CORDIS Awards
The European Union has not awarded SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. any grants or awards.
    We could not find any group structure information
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    Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us.
    Need more information?
    We offer bespoke investigations into companies. If you need more information about this company we can gather more information as directed by you. This may, for example, be a forensic investigation such as tracing hidden assets. The engagement is on a time and materials basis. We charge GBP £ 500 per day + VAT. Contact us with a description of what you're looking for and we will assess whether we can help.