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Home > USA > Delaware State Companies > Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.
Company Information for

Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.

Company Registration Number

Company Overview

About Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.
Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. was founded on and has its registered office in Delaware. The organisation's status is listed as "Unknown". Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. is a business registered in United States of America (USA) with State of Delaware Division of Corporations
Key Data
Company Name
Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.
Legal Registered Office / Registered Agent
Filing Information
Company Number USDE0912484
Delaware company number# 0912484
Date formed 
Country United States of America (USA)
Origin Country United States of America (USA)
CompanyStatus Unknown
Lastest accounts 
Account next due 
Latest return 
Return next due 
Type of accounts 
401k Plan Filings 401k Plan Data  
IRS EIN:   222361254
Jurisdiction State of Delaware Division of Corporations
Last Datalog update: 2019-05-01 10:47:32
Primary Source:State of Delaware Division of Corporations
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If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help.
Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us.
Companies with same name Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.
The following companies were found which have the same name as Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date
CADARET, GRANT & CO., INC. 100 MADISON ST STE 1300 SYRACUSE NY 13202 Forfeited Company formed on the 1982-07-01

Company Officers of Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.

Current Directors
Officer Role Date Appointed
Donald J. Taylor
Beda L. Johnson
Arthur F. Grant
Arthur F. Grant
Donald J. Taylor
Beda L. Johnson
Arthur F. Grant
Beda L. Johnson
Donald J. Taylor
Karen Benenati
Vice President
Megan Grant
Vice President
Lauren Grant Cressman
Vice President
Donald J. Taylor
Vice President
Beda L. Johnson
Vice President
Donna M Farrell
Vice President
Donald Jaynes
Vice President
Michael Arnold
Vice President
Kevin Makowski
Vice President
Sherry DePerro
Vice President
Donna Guinta
Vice President
Trisha Tymkiw
Vice President
Bonnie Gee
Vice President
Shannon O'Brien
Vice President
Kevin Makowski
Assistant Treasurer
Douglas Ketterer
Douglas Ketterer
Eugene Elias
AWS 4 Inc.
Donna Farrell
Assistant Secretary

More director information

Corporation Filing History
State of Delaware Division of Corporations Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from State of Delaware Division of Corporations where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2021-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2020-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2020-05-20Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2020-04-07Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2020 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 05678979. Fee paid USD$50.00
2020-02-19Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): AWS 4 Inc. declared as Shareholder
2020-01-28Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: COMMERCIAL STATEMENT OF CHANGE
2019-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2019-11-15Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Donna Farrell declared as Assistant Secretary
2019-11-15Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Douglas Ketterer declared as Director
2019-11-15Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Douglas Ketterer declared as President
2019-11-15Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Eugene Elias declared as Director
2019-11-15Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): declared as Shareholder
2019-07-08Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2019-06-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ARDUEDATE
2019-03-20Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2019 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 04343042. Fee paid USD$50.00
2018-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2018-11-14New York State corporate registry. DOUGLAS J. KETTERER declared as CEO
2018-09-26Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2018-06-21Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2018-06-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ARDUEDATE
2018-04-19Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2018-04-19Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2018-03-27Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Shannon O'Brien declared as Vice President
2018-03-21Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2018 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 03426843. Fee paid USD$50.00
2018-01-01Virginia Secretary of State: Agent address registered as: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 100 SHOCKOE SLIP, 2ND FLOOR, RICHMOND, VA, 23219. Agent Type: B.E. AUTH IN VIRGINIA
2018-01-01Virginia Secretary of State: Agent address registered as: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 100 Shockoe Slip Fl 2, , Richmond, VA, 23219-4100. Agent Type: B.E. AUTH IN VIRGINIA
2017-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2017-11-21Virginia Secretary of State: Certificate Of Good Standing
2017-06-14Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2017-05-02Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2017-05-02Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2017-03-27Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2017 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 02760722. Fee paid USD$50.00
2017-02-03New York State corporate registry. ARTHUR F GRANT declared as CEO
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 600474414. BEDA JOHNSON declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 600474414. DONALD TAYLOR declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Washington DoS Entity 600474414. ARTHUR GRANT declared in company officer role of Governor
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Donald J. Taylor declared as Director
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Beda L. Johnson declared as Director
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Arthur F. Grant declared as Director
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Arthur F. Grant declared as President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Donald J. Taylor declared as Shareholder
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Beda L. Johnson declared as Shareholder
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Arthur F. Grant declared as Shareholder
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Kevin Makowski declared as Assistant Treasurer
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Beda L. Johnson declared as Secretary
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Donald J. Taylor declared as Treasurer
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Karen Benenati declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Megan Grant declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Lauren Grant Cressman declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Donald J. Taylor declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Beda L. Johnson declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Donna M Farrell declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Donald Jaynes declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Michael Arnold declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Kevin Makowski declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Sherry DePerro declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Donna Guinta declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Trisha Tymkiw declared as Vice President
2017-00-00Alaska Department of State (entity ID 85340F): Bonnie Gee declared as Vice President
2016-12-31Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Report filed for foreign entity
2016-06-27Washington DoS Entity 600474414. ARTHUR GRANT no longer listed as company officer
2016-06-20Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2016-05-05Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2016-05-05Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2016-04-20Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: Statement of Change
2016-03-30Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2016 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 02461237. Fee paid USD$50.00
2015-10-13Alaska Department of Commerce filing history (entity ID 85340F): Biennial Report
2015-06-02Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2015-05-05Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2015-05-05Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2015-03-16Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2015 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 02203174. Fee paid USD$50.00
2014-06-27Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2014-04-29Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2014-04-29Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2014-03-13Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2014 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 02000183. Fee paid USD$50.00
2013-10-17Alaska Department of Commerce filing history (entity ID 85340F): Biennial Report
2013-06-19Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2013-05-06Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Assessment Payment
2013-05-06Virginia Secretary of State: Annual Report Submission
2013-04-03Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2013 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01816788. Fee paid USD$50.00
2012-06-22Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2012-04-26Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2012 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01529363. Fee paid USD$50.00
2011-12-05Alaska Department of Commerce filing history (entity ID 85340F): Biennial Report
2011-06-28Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2011-05-05Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2011 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01330350. Fee paid USD$50.00
2011-04-29Virginia Secretary of State: Agent address registered as: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY Bank of America Center, 16th Floor, 1111 East Main Street, RICHMOND, VA, 23219. Agent Type: B.E. AUTH IN VIRGINIA
2010-06-23Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2010-05-26Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2010 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01165139. Fee paid USD$50.00
2010-02-01Alaska Department of Commerce filing history (entity ID 85340F): Biennial Report
2009-07-23Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2009-04-21Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2009 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 01004256. Fee paid USD$50.00
2008-07-10Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2008-05-22Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2008 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00889369. Fee paid USD$50.00
2008-01-28Alaska Department of Commerce filing history (entity ID 85340F): Biennial Report
2007-07-03Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2007-06-29Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2007 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00788710. Fee paid USD$50.00
2006-06-28Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2006-06-22Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2006 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00719987. Fee paid USD$50.00
2005-12-06Alaska Department of Commerce filing history (entity ID 85340F): Biennial Report
2005-06-30Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2005-06-06Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2005 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00667241. Fee paid USD$50.00
2004-07-14Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2004-06-01Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2004 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00620414. Fee paid USD$50.00
2004-04-02Alaska Department of Commerce filing history (entity ID 85340F): Creation Filing
2003-07-18Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2003-06-16Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2003 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00578308. Fee paid USD$50.00
2002-07-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2002-05-14Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2002 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00525933. Fee paid USD$50.00
2001-07-25Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2001-05-29Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2001 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00488397. Fee paid USD$50.00
2000-07-25Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
2000-05-22Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 2000 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00451521. Fee paid USD$50.00
1999-07-19Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
1999-07-06Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT
1999-06-07Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 1999 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00425047. Fee paid USD$25.00
1993-03-31Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: Statement of Change
1991-09-04Virginia Secretary of State: Principal address registered as: ONE LINCOLN CENTER 110 W FAYETTE STREET 5TH FLOOR SYRACUSE NY 13202
1990-10-24Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: Statement of Change
1989-09-25Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: Amendment
1985-07-01Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
1983-06-20Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
1982-09-27Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division: Foreign entity registration in jurisdiction
1982-09-16Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: ANNUAL REPORT
1982-07-26Washington DoS Entity 600474414. State registration of Foreign entity
1982-07-26Washington DoS Foreign entity 600474414: FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT
1800-01-01Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 1996 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00341906. Fee paid USD$25.00
1800-01-01Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 1998 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00397279. Fee paid USD$25.00
1800-01-01Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 1997 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00368017. Fee paid USD$25.00
1800-01-01Wyoming DoS foreign entity filing (EntityID 1980-000194685): 1995 Annual Report filed. Original document. Document file ID: 00318788. Fee paid USD$25.00
Industry Information
523120 - Securities Brokerage

Licences & Regulatory approval
We could not find any licences issued to Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. or authorisation from an industry specific regulator to operate. These may not be required.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.
Intangible Assets
We have not found any records of Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. registering or being granted any patents
Domain Names
We do not have the domain name information for Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.
We have not found any records of Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. registering or being granted any trademarks
Government Income
We have not found government income sources for Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.. This could be because the transaction value was below £ 500 with local government or below £ 25,000 for central government. We have found 8,000 supplier to government that are UK companies so approx 0.2% of companies listed on Datalog supply to government.

The top companies supplying to UK government with the same SIC code (523120 - Securities Brokerage) as Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. are:

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Foreign or State Registered Offices
Office Details
Premises Address Entity IDJurisdictionRegistration DateStatus
9360 Glacier Hwy Ste 202 JUNEAU AK 99801 85340F Alaska Department Commerce, Community & Economic Development 2004-04-02
110 W FAYETTE ST SYRACUSE NEW YORK 13202 806259 New York Department of State 1982-11-23
Bank of America Center, 16th Floor RICHMOND VA 23219 F040953 Virginia State Corporation Commission 1982-06-07 ACTIVE
THE PRENTICE-HALL CORPORATION SYSTEM, INC. TUMWATER WA 985010000 600474414 Washington Department of State 1982-07-26 Active
110 W Fayette St NY United States of America (USA) 13202 1980-000194685 Wyoming Corporations Division 1982-07-07 Active
THE PRENTICE HALL CORPORATION SYSTEM, INC TALLAHASSEE FL United States Of America (USA) 32301 853100 Florida Department of State Division of Corporations 1982-06-09 Active
300 DESCHUTES WAY SW STE 304 TUMWATER WA 985010000 600474414 Washington Department of State 1982-07-26 Mailing Address - Active
THE PRENTICE-HALL CORPORATION SYSTEM, INC. SUITE 2 BARRE 05641 52910 / F08894 Vermont Secretary of State Corporations Division 1982-09-27 Active

Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR
European Union CORDIS Awards
The European Union has not awarded Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. any grants or awards.
    We could not find any group structure information
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