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Home > England & Wales Companies > NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED
Company Information for


Company Registration Number
Private Limited Company

Company Overview

About Nottingham Rehab Ltd
NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED was founded on 1985-09-18 and has its registered office in Coalville. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Nottingham Rehab Limited is a Private Limited Company registered in with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as FULL
  • Annual turnover is £6.5 million or more
  • The balance sheet total is £ 3.26 million or more
  • Employs 50 or more employees
  • May be publically listed
  • May be a member of a group of companies meeting any of the above criteria
Key Data
Company Name
Legal Registered Office
LE67 1UB
Other companies in LE67
Filing Information
Company Number 01948041
Company ID Number 01948041
Date formed 1985-09-18
Origin Country United Kingdom
Type Private Limited Company
CompanyStatus Active
Lastest accounts 31/03/2023
Account next due 31/12/2024
Latest return 15/04/2016
Return next due 13/05/2017
Type of accounts FULL
VAT Number /Sales tax ID GB156919571  
Last Datalog update: 2024-05-05 07:51:19
Primary Source:Companies House
There are multiple companies registered at this address, the registered address may be the accountant's offices for NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED
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Companies with same name NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED
The following companies were found which have the same name as NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED. These may be the same company in different jurisdictions
  Registered addressLast known statusFormation date
NOTTINGHAM REHABILITATION GYM CIC 1A REGENT STREET BEESTON NOTTINGHAM NG9 2EA Active - Proposal to Strike off Company formed on the 2020-09-29


Current Directors
Officer Role Date Appointed
Company Secretary 2013-04-19
Director 2016-03-24
Director 2010-03-01
Director 2010-03-01
Previous Officers
Officer Role Date Appointed Date Resigned
Director 2013-06-25 2015-09-30
Director 2004-12-01 2015-03-30
Director 2013-04-19 2014-12-08
Director 2013-04-19 2014-12-08
Director 2013-06-27 2014-12-08
Company Secretary 2011-12-15 2013-04-19
Director 2012-05-01 2013-04-19
Director 2010-08-02 2013-04-19
Director 2005-09-30 2013-04-19
Director 2010-09-15 2013-04-19
Director 2004-12-01 2012-02-29
Company Secretary 2001-06-11 2011-12-15
Director 2009-07-24 2010-08-13
Director 2008-07-01 2010-08-02
Director 2001-06-01 2010-04-01
Director 2006-05-11 2009-11-30
Director 2005-09-30 2007-10-02
Director 2001-06-01 2007-07-31
Director 2005-12-01 2007-02-28
Director 2000-11-27 2001-08-31
Director 2000-11-24 2001-08-03
Company Secretary 2000-11-10 2001-06-11
Director 1997-10-08 2000-11-24
Director 1999-03-31 2000-11-24
Company Secretary 1997-10-24 2000-11-10
Director 1991-05-11 1999-03-31
Company Secretary 1991-05-11 1997-10-24
Director 1991-05-11 1997-10-08
Director 1991-05-11 1997-05-16
Director 1991-05-11 1996-04-17
Director 1991-05-11 1995-07-11

Related Directorships

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
JOHN MAKIN ACESO HEALTHCARE LIMITED Director 2014-12-08 CURRENT 2014-11-28 Active
JOHN MAKIN NRS MOBILITY CARE LIMITED Director 2013-04-19 CURRENT 2006-02-10 Active
JOHN MAKIN SALUS HEALTHCARE LIMITED Director 2013-03-19 CURRENT 2013-02-22 Active

More director information

Corporation Filing History
Companies House Filing History
This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Companies House where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description
2024-08-15Termination of appointment of Katherine Susan Hewison on 2024-08-14
2024-08-15Appointment of Mr Benjamin Mabbott as company secretary on 2024-08-15
2024-04-11FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/23
2023-10-19Appointment of Mrs Katherine Susan Hewison as company secretary on 2023-10-09
2023-01-08FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/22
2023-01-08AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/22
2021-12-07AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/21
2021-04-27TM02Termination of appointment of John Makin on 2021-03-31
2020-12-07AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/20
2019-12-16AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/19
2018-12-04AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/18
2017-08-15AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/17
2016-11-09AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/16
2016-04-21AR0115/04/16 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2015-10-17AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/15
2015-04-22AR0115/04/15 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2014-11-24AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 28/03/14
2014-04-22AR0115/04/14 ANNUAL RETURN FULL LIST
2014-04-22CH01Director's details changed for James O'connell on 2014-04-22
2014-03-11MISCSection 519
2013-12-23AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 29/03/13
2013-05-01RES01ALTER ARTICLES 19/04/2013
2013-04-16AR0115/04/13 FULL LIST
2012-09-25AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 30/03/12
2012-07-06RES13AGREEMENT 27/06/2012
2012-05-04AR0115/04/12 FULL LIST
2011-12-13AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 01/04/11
2011-04-15AR0115/04/11 FULL LIST
2010-07-30AAFULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 02/04/10
1990-12-03Return made up to 08/05/90; no change of members
1987-10-15Return made up to 25/03/87; full list of members
Industry Information
46 - Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
469 - Non-specialised wholesale trade
46900 - Non-specialised wholesale trade

Licences & Regulatory approval
We could not find any licences issued to NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED or authorisation from an industry specific regulator to operate. These may not be required.
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Legal Notices
No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued
Fines / Sanctions
No fines or sanctions have been issued against NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED
Legal Events
Court Hearings
CourtJudgeDateCase NumberCase Title
TECHNOLOGY AND CONSTRUCTION COURT MR JUSTICE EDWARDS-STUART 2015-05-22 to 2015-08-07 HT-2015-000002 Nottingham Rehab Limited v Devon County Council
2015-08-07Application Hearing
Mortgages / Charges
Total # Mortgages/Charges 15
Mortgages/Charges outstanding 3
Mortgages Partially Satisifed 0
Mortgages Satisfied/Paid 12
Details of Mortgagee Charges
Charge Type Date of Charge Charge Status Mortgagee
2013-05-03 Satisfied LDC (MANAGERS) LIMITED
Filed Financial Reports
Annual Accounts
Annual Accounts
Annual Accounts

These are the financial reports (either an abhreviated set of accounts or profit& loss statement and balance sheet) have been filed with Companies House. The reports allow you to do a basic business credit check on NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED

Intangible Assets

Intellectual Property Patents Registered by NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED

NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED has registered 5 patents

GB2430175 , GB2292682 , GB2311080 , GB2429148 , GB2429151 ,

Domain Names
We could not find the registrant information for the domain

NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED owns 6 domain names.  


Trademark applications by NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED

NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED is the Original Applicant for the trademark DUO ™ (UK00003059657) through the UKIPO on the 2014-06-12
Trademark classes: Walking aids; walking frames; orthopaedic and mobility aids; trolleys adapted for medical use; trolleys for use as walking aids; apparatus comprising walking frames and/or trolleys used as aids for walking and mobility; apparatus designed for use in aiding walking and mobility; crutches; stair climbing machines for medical use; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Mobility conveyances; personal mobility vehicles; trolleys; wheelchairs; vehicles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.
NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED is the Original Applicant for the trademark Image for mark UK00003060843 DUO ™ (UK00003060843) through the UKIPO on the 2014-06-20
Trademark classes: Walking aids; walking frames; orthopaedic and mobility aids; trolleys adapted for medical use; trolleys for use as walking aids; apparatus comprising walking frames and/or trolleys used as aids for walking and mobility; apparatus designed for use in aiding walking and mobility; crutches; stair climbing machines for medical use; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Mobility conveyances; personal mobility vehicles; trolleys; wheelchairs; vehicles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.
NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED is the Original Applicant for the trademark Image for mark UK00003078396 SAFE + WELL ™ (UK00003078396) through the UKIPO on the 2014-10-23
Trademark classes: Remotely monitored medical and rehabilitation equipment, telecommunication apparatus and devices for use by the physically impaired; apparatus for control, checking and monitoring; apparatus and instruments for transmission, reproduction and recording of sound, images and data; alarms; personal alarms; fall arrest apparatus; safety apparatus for the prevention of an accident or injury; remotely controlled electrical apparatus; remote control apparatus and devices; switches; remote control switches; telephones; telecommunication devices; telecommunication equipment; control valves; electric valves; circuit breakers; display monitors; electronic temperature monitors; respiration, heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen monitors not for medical use; apparatus for control, distribution and monitoring electricity; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Surgical, medical and dental apparatus and supplies; rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus; articles for use as aids by the physically impaired; mobility aids; physiotherapy equipment; medical furniture; equipment for moving patients; physical therapy equipment; monitors used for medical purposes; monitors used to measure medication levels; heart rate monitors; respiration monitors; body temperature monitors; blood pressure and blood oxygen monitors; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Retail services connected with monitoring, medical and rehabilitation equipment, alarms, control valves, telecommunications apparatus switches, remote control apparatus, surgical medical and dental apparatus and supplies, articles for use as aids by the physically impaired, mobility aids, physiotherapy equipment, medical furniture, equipment for moving patients, physical therapy equipment, monitors, switches, remotely controlled apparatus, apparatus and instruments for transmission, reproduction and recording of sound, images and data, telecommunications equipment, telecommunication devices, telephones, control valves, electric valves, circuit breakers, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, apparatus for control, distribution and monitoring electricity, fall arrest apparatus, safety apparatus for the prevention of an accident or injury; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Installation, cleaning, decontamination, repair, maintenance and refurbishment of medical and rehabilitation equipment, alarms, control valves, telecommunications apparatus, computer hardware, switches, remote control apparatus, surgical medical and dental apparatus and supplies, articles for use as aids by the physically impaired, monitors, switches, remotely controlled apparatus, apparatus and instruments for transmission, reproduction and recording of sound, images and data, telecommunications equipment, telecommunication devices, telephones, control valves, electric valves, circuit breakers, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, apparatus for control, distribution and monitoring electricity, fall arrest apparatus, safety apparatus for the prevention of an accident or injury, mobility aids, physiotherapy equipment, medical furniture, equipment for moving patients, physical therapy; building and construction maintenance, installation, adaption and alteration for physically impaired person; all advice, information and consultancy in relation to the aforesaid services. Assessing the needs of an individual for specific medical equipment; medical advisory services; medical monitoring services; health services; healthcare services; therapy services; advice and information relating to the personal welfare of individuals; medical services; mental health services; occupational therapy services; advice, information and consultancy in relation to the abovementioned services; Hire and rental of medical and rehabilitation equipment, alarms, control valves, telecommunications apparatus switches, remote control apparatus, surgical medical and dental apparatus and supplies, articles for use as aids by the physically and mentally impaired, fall arrest apparatus, safety apparatus for the prevention of an accident or injury, mobility aids, physiotherapy equipment, medical furniture, equipment for moving patients, physical therapy, monitors, switches, remotely controlled apparatus, apparatus and instruments for transmission, reproduction and recording of sound, images and data, telecommunications equipment, telecommunication devices, telephones, control valves, electric valves, circuit breakers, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, apparatus for control, distribution and monitoring electricity.
NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED is the Original Applicant for the trademark SAFE + WELL ™ (UK00003078399) through the UKIPO on the 2014-10-23
Trademark classes: Remotely monitored medical and rehabilitation equipment, telecommunication apparatus and devices for use by the physically impaired; apparatus for control, checking and monitoring; apparatus and instruments for transmission, reproduction and recording of sound, images and data; alarms; personal alarms; fall arrest apparatus; safety apparatus for the prevention of an accident or injury; remotely controlled electrical apparatus; remote control apparatus and devices; switches; remote control switches; telephones; telecommunication devices; telecommunication equipment; control valves; electric valves; circuit breakers; display monitors; electronic temperature monitors; respiration, heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen monitors not for medical use; apparatus for control, distribution and monitoring electricity; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Surgical, medical and dental apparatus and supplies; rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus; articles for use as aids by the physically impaired; mobility aids; physiotherapy equipment; medical furniture; equipment for moving patients; physical therapy equipment; monitors used for medical purposes; monitors used to measure medication levels; heart rate monitors; respiration monitors; body temperature monitors; blood pressure and blood oxygen monitors; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Retail services connected with monitoring, medical and rehabilitation equipment, alarms, control valves, telecommunications apparatus switches, remote control apparatus, surgical medical and dental apparatus and supplies, articles for use as aids by the physically impaired, mobility aids, physiotherapy equipment, medical furniture, equipment for moving patients, physical therapy equipment, monitors, switches, remotely controlled apparatus, apparatus and instruments for transmission, reproduction and recording of sound, images and data, telecommunications equipment, telecommunication devices, telephones, control valves, electric valves, circuit breakers, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, apparatus for control, distribution and monitoring electricity, fall arrest apparatus, safety apparatus for the prevention of an accident or injury; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Installation, cleaning, decontamination, repair, maintenance and refurbishment of medical and rehabilitation equipment, alarms, control valves, telecommunications apparatus, computer hardware, switches, remote control apparatus, surgical medical and dental apparatus and supplies, articles for use as aids by the physically impaired, monitors, switches, remotely controlled apparatus, apparatus and instruments for transmission, reproduction and recording of sound, images and data, telecommunications equipment, telecommunication devices, telephones, control valves, electric valves, circuit breakers, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, apparatus for control, distribution and monitoring electricity, fall arrest apparatus, safety apparatus for the prevention of an accident or injury, mobility aids, physiotherapy equipment, medical furniture, equipment for moving patients, physical therapy; building and construction maintenance, installation, adaption and alteration for physically impaired person; all advice, information and consultancy in relation to the aforesaid services. Assessing the needs of an individual for specific medical equipment; medical advisory services; medical monitoring services; health services; healthcare services; therapy services; advice and information relating to the personal welfare of individuals; medical services; mental health services; occupational therapy services; advice, information and consultancy in relation to the abovementioned services; Hire and rental of medical and rehabilitation equipment, alarms, control valves, telecommunications apparatus switches, remote control apparatus, surgical medical and dental apparatus and supplies, articles for use as aids by the physically and mentally impaired, fall arrest apparatus, safety apparatus for the prevention of an accident or injury, mobility aids, physiotherapy equipment, medical furniture, equipment for moving patients, physical therapy, monitors, switches, remotely controlled apparatus, apparatus and instruments for transmission, reproduction and recording of sound, images and data, telecommunications equipment, telecommunication devices, telephones, control valves, electric valves, circuit breakers, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, apparatus for control, distribution and monitoring electricity.
NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED is the Original Applicant for the trademark Image for mark UK00003085666 ™ (UK00003085666) through the UKIPO on the 2014-12-11
Trademark classes: Checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; monitoring apparatus; apparatus for recording, transmitting, storing and reproducing data, sound, images and video; electronic communications apparatus; software; sensors; alarms and warning equipment; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Surgical, medical and dental apparatus and supplies; medical furniture and bedding; furniture for medical use; equipment for moving patients; bathroom furniture and equipment specifically designed for use by the handicapped and disabled; orthopaedic and mobility aids; rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus; articles for use as aids by the handicapped; pans and urinals for the disabled and handicapped; artificial limbs; orthopaedic articles and devices; walking frames, crutches, walking sticks, leg lifters, dressing aids; bed rails and guards; incontinence pads; pads for wheelchairs; enuresis alarms, infra-red lamps; support frames and cushions for disabled or handicapped persons; transfer boards; hand blocks, being devices to assist the movement of patients in bed, swivel cushions, transfer belts and discs, patient handling swings; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Wheelchairs; mobility vehicles and conveyances; vehicles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility; parts and fittings for such goods. Retail and wholesale services connected with the sale of checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, monitoring apparatus, apparatus for recording, transmitting, storing and reproducing data, sound, images and video, electronic communications apparatus, software, sensors, alarms and warning equipment, surgical, medical and dental apparatus and supplies, medical furniture and bedding, furniture for medical use, equipment for moving patients, bathroom furniture and equipment specifically designed for use by the handicapped and disabled, orthopaedic and mobility aids, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, articles for use as aids by the handicapped, pans and urinals for the disabled and handicapped, artificial limbs, orthopaedic articles and devices, walking frames, crutches, walking sticks, leg lifters, dressing aids, bed rails and guards, incontinence pads, pads for wheelchairs, enuresis alarms, infra-red lamps, support frames and cushions for disabled or handicapped persons, transfer boards, hand blocks, being devices to assist the movement of patients in bed, swivel cushions, transfer belts and discs, patient handling swings, wheelchairs, mobility vehicles and conveyances, vehicles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility, water supply and sanitary installations, toilets, baths, bathroom furniture, furniture, bedding, cushions and parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Installation, cleaning, decontamination, refurbishment of checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, monitoring apparatus, apparatus for recording, transmitting, storing and reproducing data, sound, images and video, electronic communications apparatus, sensors, alarms and warning equipment, surgical, medical and dental apparatus and supplies, medical furniture and bedding, furniture for medical use, equipment for moving patients, bathroom furniture and equipment specifically designed for use by the handicapped and disabled, orthopaedic and mobility aids, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, articles for use as aids by the handicapped, pans and urinals for the disabled and handicapped, artificial limbs, orthopaedic articles and devices, walking frames, crutches, walking sticks, leg lifters, dressing aids, bed rails and guards, incontinence pads, pads for wheelchairs, enuresis alarms, infra-red lamps, support frames and cushions for disabled or handicapped persons, transfer boards, hand blocks, being devices to assist the movement of patients in bed, swivel cushions, transfer belts and discs, patient handling swings, wheelchairs; mobility vehicles and conveyances; vehicles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility, water supply and sanitary installations, toilets, baths, bathroom furniture, furniture, bedding, cushions and parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Storage of checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, monitoring apparatus, apparatus for recording, transmitting, storing and reproducing data, sound, images and video, electronic communications apparatus, software, sensors, alarms and warning equipment, surgical, medical and dental apparatus and supplies, medical furniture and bedding, furniture for medical use, equipment for moving patients, bathroom furniture and equipment specifically designed for use by the handicapped and disabled, orthopaedic and mobility aids, rehabilitation supplies, equipment and apparatus, articles for use as aids by the handicapped, pans and urinals for the disabled and handicapped, artificial limbs, orthopaedic articles and devices, walking frames, crutches, walking sticks, leg lifters, dressing aids, bed rails and guards, incontinence pads, pads for wheelchairs, enuresis alarms, infra-red lamps, support frames and cushions for disabled or handicapped persons, transfer boards, hand blocks, being devices to assist the movement of patients in bed, swivel cushions, transfer belts and discs, patient handling swings, wheelchairs, mobility vehicles and conveyances, vehicles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility, water supply and sanitary installations, toilets, baths, bathroom furniture, furniture, bedding, cushions and parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; information, advice and consultancy in relation to all the aforesaid services. Creating, maintaining and hosting the websites of others; software maintenance, design and development services; product design; testing, authentication and quality control services; preparation of technical reports; technical advisory and support services; machine condition and computer systems monitoring; information, advice and consultancy in relation to all the aforesaid services. Hire and rental of medical and rehabilitation equipment; medical services; medical advisory and consultancy services; advice relating to the medical needs of the elderly and handicapped; information, advice and consultancy in relation to all the aforesaid services.
Government Income

Government spend with NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED

Government Department Income DateTransaction(s) Value Services/Products
Thurrock Council 2017-3 GBP £489 Medical Fees
Brighton & Hove City Council 2017-2 GBP £198,143 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Derbyshire County Council 2017-2 GBP £516
Brighton & Hove City Council 2017-1 GBP £475,495 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Brighton & Hove City Council 2016-12 GBP £325 Ed Ed Other Other
Thurrock Council 2016-10 GBP £295 Medical Fees
Brighton & Hove City Council 2016-10 GBP £469,104 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Rutland County Council 2016-10 GBP £859 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Derbyshire County Council 2016-10 GBP £1,509
Thurrock Council 2016-9 GBP £371 Medical Fees
Rutland County Council 2016-9 GBP £149 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Rutland County Council 2016-8 GBP £32 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Brighton & Hove City Council 2016-8 GBP £233,028 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Rutland County Council 2016-7 GBP £192 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Herefordshire Council 2016-7 GBP £223,490
Brighton & Hove City Council 2016-7 GBP £323,935 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Brighton & Hove City Council 2016-6 GBP £105,415 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Rutland County Council 2016-6 GBP £243 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Herefordshire Council 2016-6 GBP £92,603
Rutland County Council 2016-5 GBP £81 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Brighton & Hove City Council 2016-5 GBP £468,932 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2016-5 GBP £251
Thurrock Council 2016-5 GBP £735 Medical Fees
Herefordshire Council 2016-5 GBP £4,917
Rutland County Council 2016-4 GBP £75 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2016-4 GBP £736
Herefordshire Council 2016-4 GBP £111,994
Herefordshire Council 2016-3 GBP £88,953
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council 2016-3 GBP £265 PURCHASE - EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE AND MATERIALS
Buckinghamshire County Council 2016-3 GBP £721,774 Specialist Equipment
Rutland County Council 2016-3 GBP £178 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Rutland County Council 2016-2 GBP £36 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Buckinghamshire County Council 2016-2 GBP £662,834 Specialist Equipment
Herefordshire Council 2016-2 GBP £73,386
Thurrock Council 2016-1 GBP £185 Equipment Purchase
Herefordshire Council 2016-1 GBP £91,899
Brighton & Hove City Council 2016-1 GBP £545,084 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Buckinghamshire County Council 2016-1 GBP £755,421 Specialist Equipment
Rutland County Council 2016-1 GBP £865 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Warwickshire County Council 2015-12 GBP £557,325 Equipment - Disabled Living
Herefordshire Council 2015-12 GBP £83,439
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-12 GBP £590,064 Specialist Equipment
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-11 GBP £590,903 Specialist Equipment
Herefordshire Council 2015-11 GBP £77,542
Thurrock Council 2015-11 GBP £491 Equipment Purchase
London Borough of Enfield 2015-10 GBP £288 Aids Store Equipment
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-10 GBP £1,303,642 Specialist Equipment
Herefordshire Council 2015-10 GBP £208,144
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 2015-9 GBP £693 Equipment
Worcestershire County Council 2015-9 GBP £512 Equipment Adults SDD
Herefordshire Council 2015-9 GBP £16,360
Rutland County Council 2015-9 GBP £188 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Rutland County Council 2015-8 GBP £38 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-8 GBP £549,530 Specialist Equipment
Brighton & Hove City Council 2015-8 GBP £1,115 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Herefordshire Council 2015-8 GBP £94,916
Poole Housing Partnership 2015-7 GBP £193 HRA Contract Payments
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-7 GBP £678,589 Specialist Equipment
Rutland County Council 2015-7 GBP £104 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Herefordshire Council 2015-7 GBP £211,331
London Borough of Enfield 2015-6 GBP £288 Aids Store Equipment
Herefordshire Council 2015-6 GBP £279,093
Rutland County Council 2015-6 GBP £314 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Thurrock Council 2015-5 GBP £286 Equipment Purchase
Trafford Council 2015-5 GBP £212 EQUIPMENT - PURCHASE
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2015-5 GBP £265 Health & Safety Supplies
Brighton & Hove City Council 2015-5 GBP £612 Assistive Equipment & Tech
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council 2015-4 GBP £669 SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT FOR SERVICE PROVISION
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-4 GBP £862,352 Specialist Equipment
London Borough of Enfield 2015-4 GBP £288 Aids Store Equipment
Rutland County Council 2015-4 GBP £117 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Herefordshire Council 2015-4 GBP £4,800
London Borough of Hounslow 2015-3 GBP £688 EQUIPMENT,FURNITURE, MATERIALS
Rutland County Council 2015-3 GBP £271 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Wiltshire Council 2015-3 GBP £942 Client Aids and Adaptations
North East Lincolnshire Council 2015-3 GBP £2,644 Health & Safety Supplies
Herefordshire Council 2015-3 GBP £222,229
Trafford Council 2015-3 GBP £137 CLIENTS AIDS
Thurrock Council 2015-3 GBP £308 Equipment Purchase
London Borough of Enfield 2015-3 GBP £913 Aids Store Equipment
North Tyneside Council 2015-3 GBP £2,500 22.SUPPORT SERVICES
Wigan Council 2015-3 GBP £3,345 Capital Expenditure
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-3 GBP £304,499 Specialist Equipment
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 2015-3 GBP £1,521 Equipment
West Sussex County Council 2015-2 GBP £490,973 Com Eq Deliv/Collect
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-2 GBP £271,505 Specialist Equipment
North Tyneside Council 2015-2 GBP £248
Wigan Council 2015-2 GBP £837 Capital Expenditure
London Borough of Enfield 2015-2 GBP £945 Ss Clients Equipment
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 2015-2 GBP £1,890 Equipment
Trafford Council 2015-2 GBP £190 EQUIPMENT - PURCHASE
Norfolk County Council 2015-2 GBP £355,216 Integrated Community Equipment Service
Warwickshire County Council 2015-2 GBP £137,784 Equipment - Disabled Living
Rutland County Council 2015-2 GBP £76 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Somerset County Council 2015-2 GBP £588 Equipment Furniture & Materials
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2015-1 GBP £780 Health & Safety Supplies
Rutland County Council 2015-1 GBP £82 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Stockton-On-Tees Borough Council 2015-1 GBP £771
Birmingham City Council 2015-1 GBP £513
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2015-1 GBP £1,897
North Tyneside Council 2015-1 GBP £1,231
Norfolk County Council 2015-1 GBP £183,412 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES
Herefordshire Council 2015-1 GBP £398,063
Buckinghamshire County Council 2015-1 GBP £376,623 Specialist Equipment
Wigan Council 2015-1 GBP £2,012 Capital Expenditure
Leeds City Council 2015-1 GBP £402
West Sussex County Council 2015-1 GBP £591,173 Operational Equipm't
Wiltshire Council 2015-1 GBP £312 Client Aids and Adaptations
Trafford Council 2015-1 GBP £253 EQUIPMENT - PURCHASE
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-12 GBP £2,203
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-12 GBP £389
Wiltshire Council 2014-12 GBP £364 Client Aids and Adaptations
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2014-12 GBP £1,220 Health & Safety Supplies
Worcestershire County Council 2014-12 GBP £843 Equipment Children SSD
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-12 GBP £300,645 Specialist Equipment
London Borough of Enfield 2014-12 GBP £1,044 Ss Clients Equipment
West Sussex County Council 2014-12 GBP £557,613 Operational Equipm't
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 2014-12 GBP £1,488 Equipment
Leeds City Council 2014-12 GBP £467
North Tyneside Council 2014-12 GBP £850
Oxfordshire County Council 2014-12 GBP £306,091 Equipment, Furniture and Materials
Thurrock Council 2014-12 GBP £3,059 Furniture
Birmingham City Council 2014-12 GBP £620
Leeds City Council 2014-11 GBP £2,154 Furniture And Equipment
Norfolk County Council 2014-11 GBP £201,293 INTEGRATED COMMUNITY EQUIPMENT SERVICE
North Tyneside Council 2014-11 GBP £998 22.SUPPORT SERVICES
West Sussex County Council 2014-11 GBP £472,692 Legal - Breaches
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council 2014-11 GBP £1,408 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - GENERAL
Wiltshire Council 2014-11 GBP £1,299 Client Aids and Adaptations
Stockton-On-Tees Borough Council 2014-11 GBP £900
City of York Council 2014-11 GBP £25 Health & Wellbeing
Worcestershire County Council 2014-11 GBP £2,063 Equipment Children SSD
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-11 GBP £295,732 Specialist Equipment
London Borough of Enfield 2014-11 GBP £1,967 Ss Clients Equipment
Dudley Borough Council 2014-11 GBP £21,430
Gateshead Council 2014-11 GBP £206 Licenses, Housing, Fees
Wigan Council 2014-11 GBP £2,544 Capital Expenditure
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-11 GBP £3,023 Other Equipment
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-11 GBP £564
Salford City Council 2014-10 GBP £832 Disability Equipment
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-10 GBP £5,739 Other Equipment
London Borough of Enfield 2014-10 GBP £1,073 Ss Clients Equipment
Worcestershire County Council 2014-10 GBP £643 Equipment Children SSD
Southampton City Council 2014-10 GBP £505 Equipment Purchase
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-10 GBP £291,480 Specialist Equipment
Oxfordshire County Council 2014-10 GBP £238,276 Social Services Client Expenditure
West Sussex County Council 2014-10 GBP £602,943 Comm Equipmt Man.Fee
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2014-10 GBP £1,930 Health & Safety Supplies
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-10 GBP £109
Thurrock Council 2014-10 GBP £92 Equipment Purchase
Trafford Council 2014-10 GBP £115 EDUC.APP PURCH CURR
Norfolk County Council 2014-10 GBP £748,172 INTEGRATED COMMUNITY EQUIPMENT SERVICE
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 2014-10 GBP £1,299 Equipment
Dudley Borough Council 2014-10 GBP £4,195
Torbay Council 2014-10 GBP £20,360 PLAYSCHEME RESOURCE MATERIALS
Wigan Council 2014-10 GBP £2,998 Capital Expenditure
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-9 GBP £5,092 Other Equipment
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2014-9 GBP £429 Health & Safety Supplies
Oxfordshire County Council 2014-9 GBP £616,116 Social Services Client Expenditure
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 2014-9 GBP £2,760 Equipment
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-9 GBP £157
Dudley Borough Council 2014-9 GBP £4,399
Wiltshire Council 2014-9 GBP £742 Client Aids and Adaptations
Norfolk County Council 2014-9 GBP £114,807
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-9 GBP £373,928 Specialist Equipment
Rutland County Council 2014-9 GBP £425 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Newcastle City Council 2014-9 GBP £328 Capital Expenditure
West Sussex County Council 2014-9 GBP £1,004,803 Comm Equip Serv: H2B
Herefordshire Council 2014-8 GBP £165,115
West Sussex County Council 2014-8 GBP £577,418
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2014-8 GBP £1,249 Furniture & Equipment
Wigan Council 2014-8 GBP £1,015 Capital Expenditure
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-8 GBP £373,789
City of York Council 2014-8 GBP £1,246
Torbay Council 2014-8 GBP £140,138 PLAYSCHEME RESOURCE MATERIALS
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2014-8 GBP £432 Health & Safety Supplies
St Helens Council 2014-8 GBP £927
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-8 GBP £178
Isle of Wight Council 2014-8 GBP £1,020
Worcestershire County Council 2014-8 GBP £643 Equipment Children SSD
Norfolk County Council 2014-8 GBP £230,408
Dudley Borough Council 2014-8 GBP £7,791
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-8 GBP £4,754 Other Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2014-7 GBP £1,020
Rutland County Council 2014-7 GBP £-135 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Oxfordshire County Council 2014-7 GBP £227,817 Social Services Client Expenditure
London Borough of Bexley 2014-7 GBP £2,646
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-7 GBP £401,636
Torbay Council 2014-7 GBP £391,394 PLAYSCHEME RESOURCE MATERIALS
Trafford Council 2014-7 GBP £1,302
Thurrock Council 2014-7 GBP £283
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 2014-7 GBP £689 Equipment
Worcestershire County Council 2014-7 GBP £1,242 Equipment Adults SDD
Leeds City Council 2014-7 GBP £188 Operational Furniture And Equipment
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council 2014-7 GBP £326
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-7 GBP £139
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2014-7 GBP £331 Health & Safety Supplies
West Sussex County Council 2014-7 GBP £21,862
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-7 GBP £1,573 Other Equipment
Norfolk County Council 2014-7 GBP £264,100
Dudley Borough Council 2014-7 GBP £9,305
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-6 GBP £3,257 Other Equipment
London Borough Of Enfield 2014-6 GBP £5,612
London Borough of Bexley 2014-6 GBP £1,132
Oxfordshire County Council 2014-6 GBP £215,399 Social Services Client Expenditure
St Helens Council 2014-6 GBP £2,695
Rutland County Council 2014-6 GBP £125 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
West Sussex County Council 2014-6 GBP £862,334
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-6 GBP £312,751
Leeds City Council 2014-6 GBP £2,727 Other Costs
Wiltshire Council 2014-6 GBP £312 Client Aids and Adaptations
Dudley Borough Council 2014-6 GBP £43,900
Wigan Council 2014-6 GBP £1,415 Capital Expenditure
Torbay Council 2014-6 GBP £172,239 PLAYSCHEME RESOURCE MATERIALS
Leeds City Council 2014-5 GBP £60 Operational Furniture And Equipment
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council 2014-5 GBP £805
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 2014-5 GBP £1,160 Equipment
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-5 GBP £207
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2014-5 GBP £585 Health & Safety Supplies
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-5 GBP £354,422
Isle of Wight Council 2014-5 GBP £1,011
Salford City Council 2014-5 GBP £1,074
Worcestershire County Council 2014-5 GBP £457 Medical Requisites
London Borough Of Enfield 2014-5 GBP £3,416
Norfolk County Council 2014-5 GBP £380,140
Southampton City Council 2014-5 GBP £561 Equipment Purchase
Brighton & Hove City Council 2014-5 GBP £1,680 Assistive Equipment & Tech
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-5 GBP £5,660 Other Equipment
Dudley Borough Council 2014-5 GBP £14,626
Trafford Council 2014-5 GBP £179
Wigan Council 2014-4 GBP £2,454 Capital Expenditure
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2014-4 GBP £1,250 Health & Safety Supplies
St Helens Council 2014-4 GBP £1,403
City of York Council 2014-4 GBP £129
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-4 GBP £398,700
Rutland County Council 2014-4 GBP £132 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Dudley Borough Council 2014-4 GBP £4,312
Isle of Wight Council 2014-4 GBP £949
London Borough of Bexley 2014-4 GBP £1,071
Norfolk County Council 2014-4 GBP £289,038
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2014-4 GBP £722 Furniture & Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2014-3 GBP £30
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2014-3 GBP £685 Furniture & Equipment
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-3 GBP £314,313
Thurrock Council 2014-3 GBP £52
Norfolk County Council 2014-3 GBP £342,233
City of York Council 2014-3 GBP £81
Trafford Council 2014-3 GBP £291
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-3 GBP £1,714 Other Equipment
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL 2014-3 GBP £585 Health & Safety Supplies
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-3 GBP £1,225
Isle of Wight Council 2014-2 GBP £1,005
Leeds City Council 2014-2 GBP £135 Operational Furniture And Equipment
London Borough of Newham 2014-2 GBP £2,623
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-2 GBP £6,821 Other Equipment
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2014-2 GBP £0 Furniture & Equipment
Norfolk County Council 2014-2 GBP £354,728
City of York Council 2014-2 GBP £74
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-2 GBP £312
Wakefield Council 2014-2 GBP £1,501
St Helens Council 2014-2 GBP £940
Derbyshire County Council 2014-2 GBP £670
Rutland County Council 2014-2 GBP £9 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-2 GBP £301,038 Specialist Equipment
City of York Council 2014-1 GBP £192
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2014-1 GBP £6,297 Other Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2014-1 GBP £260
Worcestershire County Council 2014-1 GBP £1,788 Equipment Adults Special SSD
Buckinghamshire County Council 2014-1 GBP £410,985
Rutland County Council 2014-1 GBP £107 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Wigan Council 2014-1 GBP £1,917 Capital Expenditure
Gateshead Council 2014-1 GBP £450 Rep & Maint
St Helens Council 2014-1 GBP £1,602
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2014-1 GBP £454 Furniture & Equipment
Wiltshire Council 2014-1 GBP £540 Client Aids and Adaptations
Norfolk County Council 2014-1 GBP £323,880
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2014-1 GBP £663
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-12 GBP £1,407 Furniture & Equipment
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-12 GBP £438 Other Equipment
Worcestershire County Council 2013-12 GBP £5,683 Fixtures & Fittings
Isle of Wight Council 2013-12 GBP £456
Rutland County Council 2013-12 GBP £112 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Nottingham City Council 2013-12 GBP £621
North Yorkshire Council 2013-12 GBP £1,049 Special Equipment
Wigan Council 2013-12 GBP £3,304 Capital Expenditure
Tandridge District Council 2013-12 GBP £141
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2013-12 GBP £302
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-12 GBP £365,404
St Helens Council 2013-12 GBP £550
City of York Council 2013-12 GBP £1,101
Norfolk County Council 2013-12 GBP £239,899
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-11 GBP £4,379 Other Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2013-11 GBP £337
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-11 GBP £471 Furniture & Equipment
Essex County Council 2013-11 GBP £21
Worcestershire County Council 2013-11 GBP £1,242 Equipment Adults SDD
St Helens Council 2013-11 GBP £906
City of York Council 2013-11 GBP £245
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-11 GBP £363,637
Thurrock Council 2013-11 GBP £474
Nottingham City Council 2013-11 GBP £258
North Yorkshire Council 2013-11 GBP £512 Special Equipment
London Borough of Bexley 2013-11 GBP £578
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2013-11 GBP £298
Hampshire County Council 2013-10 GBP £965 Disability Aids & Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2013-10 GBP £316
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-10 GBP £975 Other Equipment
Rutland County Council 2013-10 GBP £52 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-10 GBP £222 Furniture & Equipment
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-10 GBP £402,813
Trafford Council 2013-10 GBP £186
Leeds City Council 2013-10 GBP £1,341 Other Costs
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2013-10 GBP £318
City of York Council 2013-10 GBP £139
St Helens Council 2013-10 GBP £1,404
Dorset County Council 2013-9 GBP £649 Equipment
Leeds City Council 2013-9 GBP £1,341 Other Costs
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-9 GBP £5,778 Other Equipment
City of York Council 2013-9 GBP £430
London Borough of Bexley 2013-9 GBP £535
Isle of Wight Council 2013-9 GBP £998
Essex County Council 2013-9 GBP £110
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-9 GBP £300,065
Norfolk County Council 2013-9 GBP £6,474
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-9 GBP £599 Furniture & Equipment
Southampton City Council 2013-8 GBP £0
St Helens Council 2013-8 GBP £924
Essex County Council 2013-8 GBP £102
Isle of Wight Council 2013-8 GBP £179
Rutland County Council 2013-8 GBP £113 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-8 GBP £280,175
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-8 GBP £2,034 Other Equipment
Dorset County Council 2013-8 GBP £1,690 Equipment
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-8 GBP £942 Furniture & Equipment
Worcestershire County Council 2013-8 GBP £1,187 Equipment Adults SDD
London Borough of Bexley 2013-8 GBP £955
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2013-7 GBP £245
Hampshire County Council 2013-7 GBP £1,349 Disability Aids & Equipment
Somerset County Council 2013-7 GBP £457 Equipment Furniture & Materials
Isle of Wight Council 2013-7 GBP £458
Norfolk County Council 2013-7 GBP £1,109,291
Nottingham City Council 2013-7 GBP £128
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-7 GBP £1,332,838
City of York Council 2013-7 GBP £413
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-7 GBP £1,025 Other Equipment
London Borough of Bexley 2013-7 GBP £2,332
Worcestershire County Council 2013-7 GBP £1,145 Equipment Adults SDD
Trafford Council 2013-7 GBP £2,358
Wakefield Council 2013-7 GBP £1,840
Wigan Council 2013-7 GBP £1,207 Capital Expenditure
Cheshire East Council 2013-6 GBP £2,311
Essex County Council 2013-6 GBP £310
Peterborough City Council 2013-6 GBP £84,539
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-6 GBP £4,433 Other Equipment
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-6 GBP £412 Furniture & Equipment
St Helens Council 2013-6 GBP £726
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-6 GBP £362,981
Wakefield Council 2013-6 GBP £1,621
Dorset County Council 2013-6 GBP £536 Equipment
London Borough of Bexley 2013-6 GBP £1,190
City of York Council 2013-6 GBP £154
Wiltshire Council 2013-6 GBP £260 Client Aids and Adaptations
Hampshire County Council 2013-6 GBP £2,234 Disability Aids & Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2013-5 GBP £1,525
Wakefield Council 2013-5 GBP £1,202
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council 2013-5 GBP £1,135
Thurrock Council 2013-5 GBP £16
Rutland County Council 2013-5 GBP £96 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-5 GBP £1,915 Other Equipment
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-5 GBP £257,924
City of York Council 2013-5 GBP £355
Trafford Council 2013-5 GBP £38
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2013-5 GBP £6,168
Bournemouth Borough Council 2013-5 GBP £222,997
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-5 GBP £516 Furniture & Equipment
Dorset County Council 2013-5 GBP £590 Equipment
Peterborough City Council 2013-5 GBP £187,011
London Borough of Bexley 2013-5 GBP £690
St Helens Council 2013-5 GBP £4,277
Wigan Council 2013-5 GBP £3,622 Capital Expenditure
Peterborough City Council 2013-4 GBP £70,948
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-4 GBP £3,444 Other Equipment
Thurrock Council 2013-4 GBP £146
Isle of Wight Council 2013-4 GBP £876
City of York Council 2013-4 GBP £170
Bracknell Forest Council 2013-4 GBP £662 Equipment - Purchase
Rutland County Council 2013-4 GBP £152 Materials - Cleaning Materials
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-4 GBP £363,569
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council 2013-4 GBP £591
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2013-4 GBP £2,148
Worcestershire County Council 2013-4 GBP £643 Equipment Children SSD
St Helens Council 2013-4 GBP £572
Peterborough City Council 2013-3 GBP £174,853
Isle of Wight Council 2013-3 GBP £2,129
London Borough of Bexley 2013-3 GBP £1,737
Leeds City Council 2013-3 GBP £1,373 Operational Furniture And Equipment
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-3 GBP £4,546 Other Equipment
Rutland County Council 2013-3 GBP £702 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Buckinghamshire County Council 2013-3 GBP £346,973
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-3 GBP £362 Furniture & Equipment
City of York Council 2013-3 GBP £234
Bournemouth Borough Council 2013-3 GBP £208,243
Telford and Wrekin Council 2013-3 GBP £1,380
St Helens Council 2013-3 GBP £3,996
Wigan Council 2013-3 GBP £1,049 Capital Expenditure
Rutland County Council 2013-2 GBP £50 Materials - Cleaning Materials
Bournemouth Borough Council 2013-2 GBP £218,349
Dorset County Council 2013-2 GBP £1,961 Contracted S L A s
Leeds City Council 2013-2 GBP £651 Operational Furniture And Equipment
Nottinghamshire County Council 2013-2 GBP £661
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-2 GBP £440 Other Equipment
Wigan Council 2013-2 GBP £1,573 Capital Expenditure
Isle of Wight Council 2013-2 GBP £3,505
City of York Council 2013-2 GBP £230
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2013-2 GBP £1,810 Furniture & Equipment
Bournemouth Borough Council 2013-1 GBP £208,597
City of York Council 2013-1 GBP £256
Dorset County Council 2013-1 GBP £832 Equipment
Bracknell Forest Council 2013-1 GBP £1,953 Other Equipment
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2013-1 GBP £3,906 Other Equipment
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2013-1 GBP £103
Isle of Wight Council 2013-1 GBP £612
London Borough of Bexley 2013-1 GBP £506
Wiltshire Council 2013-1 GBP £1,060 Client Aids and Adaptations
Peterborough City Council 2013-1 GBP £73,380
Worcestershire County Council 2013-1 GBP £516 Equipment Adults Special SSD
Wigan Council 2013-1 GBP £16,000 Capital Expenditure
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-12 GBP £4,695 Other Equipment
Dorset County Council 2012-12 GBP £1,251 Equipment
Peterborough City Council 2012-12 GBP £50,999
Isle of Wight Council 2012-12 GBP £494
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-12 GBP £213,534
Telford and Wrekin Council 2012-12 GBP £125
Tandridge District Council 2012-12 GBP £141
City of York Council 2012-12 GBP £294
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 2012-12 GBP £570 Early Years Equipment
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2012-12 GBP £111
London Borough of Bexley 2012-12 GBP £5,028
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2012-12 GBP £582 Furniture & Equipment
Wigan Council 2012-12 GBP £10,125 Supplies & Services
Worcestershire County Council 2012-12 GBP £1,283 Equipment Adults Special SSD
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-11 GBP £1,173 Other Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2012-11 GBP £187
London Borough of Bexley 2012-11 GBP £504
Peterborough City Council 2012-11 GBP £194,474
City of York Council 2012-11 GBP £1,094
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-11 GBP £207,777
Wigan Council 2012-11 GBP £5,876 Supplies & Services
Wakefield Council 2012-11 GBP £2,000
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2012-11 GBP £161
London Borough of Bexley 2012-10 GBP £3,821
Worcestershire County Council 2012-10 GBP £604 Equipment Adults SDD
Isle of Wight Council 2012-10 GBP £3,862
Norfolk County Council 2012-10 GBP £528
Derbyshire County Council 2012-10 GBP £559
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-10 GBP £224,738
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-10 GBP £1,664
Rutland County Council 2012-10 GBP £116 Tools and Equipment - Purchase
Wakefield Council 2012-10 GBP £571
Wigan Council 2012-10 GBP £6,273 Capital Expenditure
Walsall Council 2012-10 GBP £1,964
Leeds City Council 2012-10 GBP £-516
Peterborough City Council 2012-9 GBP £101,873
Wakefield Council 2012-9 GBP £4,000
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 2012-9 GBP £540 Disability Aids & Equipment
Wigan Council 2012-9 GBP £2,220 Capital Expenditure
City of York Council 2012-9 GBP £1,365
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-9 GBP £178,899
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2012-9 GBP £408
Dorset County Council 2012-9 GBP £1,071 Contracted S L A s
Worcestershire County Council 2012-9 GBP £3,486 Educational Equip
Isle of Wight Council 2012-9 GBP £865
Leeds City Council 2012-9 GBP £769
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-9 GBP £1,875
City of York Council 2012-8 GBP £488
Wigan Council 2012-8 GBP £1,146 Capital Expenditure
Wakefield Council 2012-8 GBP £4,070
Leeds City Council 2012-8 GBP £1,794
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-8 GBP £1,954
Norfolk County Council 2012-8 GBP £645
Bracknell Forest Council 2012-8 GBP £4,787 Other Direct Expenses
Worcestershire County Council 2012-8 GBP £469 Equipment Equipment Repair & Maintenance
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-8 GBP £181,264
Peterborough City Council 2012-8 GBP £102,374
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-7 GBP £654
Durham County Council 2012-7 GBP £1,126 Services
Worcestershire County Council 2012-7 GBP £1,060 Educational Equip
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-7 GBP £220,281
City of York Council 2012-7 GBP £780
Norfolk County Council 2012-7 GBP £1,574
Wirral Borough Council 2012-7 GBP £2,760 Equipment
Peterborough City Council 2012-7 GBP £299,724
Bracknell Forest Council 2012-7 GBP £4,380 Other Equipment
Bracknell Forest Council 2012-6 GBP £1,587 Other Equipment
Peterborough City Council 2012-6 GBP £5,506
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-6 GBP £4,866
Durham County Council 2012-6 GBP £1,317 Services
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-6 GBP £184,681
London Borough of Bexley 2012-6 GBP £2,550
Wigan Council 2012-6 GBP £1,688 Capital Expenditure
Worcestershire County Council 2012-6 GBP £604 Equipment Adults SDD
Norfolk County Council 2012-6 GBP £1,331
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-5 GBP £3,495
Durham County Council 2012-5 GBP £4,163 Services
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2012-5 GBP £6,524
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-5 GBP £181,394
London Borough of Bexley 2012-5 GBP £580
Worcestershire County Council 2012-5 GBP £604 Equipment Adults SDD
Wigan Council 2012-5 GBP £3,738 Capital Expenditure
Leeds City Council 2012-5 GBP £11,340
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead 2012-5 GBP £510
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2012-4 GBP £245
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-4 GBP £234,614
Worcestershire County Council 2012-4 GBP £486 Equipment Adults SDD
Leeds City Council 2012-4 GBP £4,715
Durham County Council 2012-4 GBP £578 Services
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-4 GBP £2,239
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2012-4 GBP £700 Furniture & Equipment
Norfolk County Council 2012-4 GBP £1,010
London Borough of Havering 2012-3 GBP £1,152
Salford City Council 2012-3 GBP £789 Disability Equipment
Norfolk County Council 2012-3 GBP £1,497
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 2012-3 GBP £1,330 Other Office Expenses
Bournemouth Borough Council 2012-3 GBP £341,725
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2012-3 GBP £3,473
Wirral Borough Council 2012-3 GBP £21,325 Contractors - Main
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-3 GBP £4,560
Worcestershire County Council 2012-3 GBP £2,310 Educational Equip
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead 2012-3 GBP £3,473
Leeds City Council 2012-3 GBP £3,844
Wigan Council 2012-3 GBP £4,079 Capital Expenditure
Salford City Council 2012-2 GBP £571 Disability Equipment
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2012-2 GBP £722 Furniture & Equipment
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-2 GBP £1,031
Wigan Council 2012-2 GBP £2,614 Capital Expenditure
Isle of Wight Council 2012-2 GBP £3,833
Leeds City Council 2012-2 GBP £1,189
London Borough of Bexley 2012-2 GBP £2,235
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2012-2 GBP £843
Cambridge City Council 2012-1 GBP £707
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2012-1 GBP £424 Furniture & Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2012-1 GBP £1,093
Wakefield Council 2012-1 GBP £807
Leeds City Council 2012-1 GBP £476
London Borough of Havering 2012-1 GBP £1,170
Worcestershire County Council 2012-1 GBP £809 Medical Requisites
Wigan Council 2012-1 GBP £2,908 Capital Expenditure
Nottinghamshire County Council 2012-1 GBP £1,208
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2012-1 GBP £3,221
Norfolk County Council 2012-1 GBP £2,302
Worcestershire County Council 2011-12 GBP £930 Care Grants
Somerset County Council 2011-12 GBP £426 Equipment Furniture & Materials
Leeds City Council 2011-12 GBP £516
Norfolk County Council 2011-12 GBP £1,572
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-12 GBP £8,558
Norfolk County Council 2011-11 GBP £738
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead 2011-11 GBP £843
Wigan Council 2011-11 GBP £545 Capital Expenditure
Worcestershire County Council 2011-11 GBP £604 Equipment Adults SDD
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-11 GBP £5,507 Other Equipment
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2011-10 GBP £258
Wigan Council 2011-10 GBP £4,376 Supplies & Services
Norfolk County Council 2011-10 GBP £950
Nottinghamshire County Council 2011-10 GBP £18
London Borough of Bexley 2011-10 GBP £829
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-10 GBP £496 Other Equipment
Nottinghamshire County Council 2011-9 GBP £-727
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2011-9 GBP £682
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2011-9 GBP £1,505 Furniture & Equipment
Derby City Council 2011-9 GBP £193,656 Capital Expenditure - ICT
Wigan Council 2011-9 GBP £669 Capital Expenditure
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-9 GBP £2,417 Other Equipment
Derby City Council 2011-8 GBP £64,000 Pct Personal Aids
London Borough of Bexley 2011-8 GBP £2,285
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead 2011-8 GBP £524
Norfolk County Council 2011-8 GBP £488
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-8 GBP £2,022 Other Equipment
Walsall Council 2011-8 GBP £693
Worcestershire County Council 2011-8 GBP £991 Equipment Children SSD
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2011-8 GBP £229
Hampshire County Council 2011-8 GBP £1,016 Disability Aids & Equipment
London Borough of Havering 2011-7 GBP £2,020
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 2011-7 GBP £805 Furniture & Equipment
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-7 GBP £2,516 Other Equipment
Worcestershire County Council 2011-7 GBP £508 Equipment Adults Special SSD
Derby City Council 2011-7 GBP £124,929 Capital Expenditure - ICT
Wigan Council 2011-7 GBP £10,375 Supplies & Services
Norfolk County Council 2011-6 GBP £622
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2011-6 GBP £836
Nottinghamshire County Council 2011-6 GBP £566
London Borough of Havering 2011-6 GBP £1,600
London Borough of Bexley 2011-6 GBP £512
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-6 GBP £2,385 Other Equipment
Leeds City Council 2011-6 GBP £602 Other Costs
Wigan Council 2011-6 GBP £3,612 Capital Expenditure
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2011-5 GBP £141
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-5 GBP £1,547 Other Equipment
Norfolk County Council 2011-5 GBP £747
Worcestershire County Council 2011-5 GBP £448 Equipment Adults Special SSD
Wigan Council 2011-5 GBP £749 Capital Expenditure
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 2011-5 GBP £899 Disability Aids & Equipment
South Gloucestershire Council 2011-5 GBP £1,134 Daily Living Equipment
Nottinghamshire County Council 2011-4 GBP £528
Leeds City Council 2011-4 GBP £2,373 Operational Furniture And Equipment
Hampshire County Council 2011-4 GBP £1,598 Disability Aids & Equipment
Norfolk County Council 2011-4 GBP £1,625
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2011-4 GBP £388
London Borough of Havering 2011-4 GBP £497
Worcestershire County Council 2011-4 GBP £4,978 Equipment Adults Special SSD
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-4 GBP £705 Other Equipment
Nottinghamshire County Council 2011-3 GBP £1,971
Leeds City Council 2011-3 GBP £468 Operational Furniture and Equipment
Hampshire County Council 2011-3 GBP £1,840 Admin Equipt - Purch & Hire
Derby City Council 2011-3 GBP £135,051
Worcestershire County Council 2011-3 GBP £6,698 Equipment Adults SDD
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-3 GBP £2,519 Other Equipment
Nottinghamshire County Council 2011-2 GBP £-488
London Borough of Havering 2011-2 GBP £2,682
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-2 GBP £2,324 Other Equipment
Worcestershire County Council 2011-2 GBP £4,233 Equipment Adults SDD
Derby City Council 2011-2 GBP £123,247 Capital Expenditure - ICT
South Gloucestershire Council 2011-2 GBP £768 Daily Living Equipment
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2011-1 GBP £2,211 Other Equipment
Nottinghamshire County Council 2011-1 GBP £1,904
Nottinghamshire County Council 2010-12 GBP £488
Leeds City Council as Accountable Body 2010-12 GBP £1,364 Other Equipment
Nottinghamshire County Council 2010-11 GBP £1,207 Front Line Services
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 2010-11 GBP £623 Purchase Of Educ Supplies Etc
Isle of Wight Council 2010-11 GBP £600 Integrated Community Equipment Service
Worcestershire County Council 2010-10 GBP £604 Equipment Adults SDD
Hampshire County Council 2010-10 GBP £1,398 Disability Aids & Equipment
Durham County Council 2010-10 GBP £1,057
Wirral Borough Council 2010-9 GBP £901 Rehabilitation Exps
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 2010-8 GBP £1,885 Disability Aids & Equipment
Isle of Wight Council 2010-8 GBP £3,269 Ventnor St Boniface Devolved Capital
Worcestershire County Council 2010-7 GBP £604 Equipment Adults SDD
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 2010-6 GBP £1,035 Disability Aids & Equipment
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2010-6 GBP £574
Worcestershire County Council 2010-6 GBP £483 Equipment Tools
Isle of Wight Council 2010-5 GBP £695 Integrated Community Equipment Service
Reading Borough Council 2010-3 GBP £1,402
Windsor and Maidenhead Council 2010-2 GBP £574
Derby City Council 0-0 GBP £1,696,527 Capital Expenditure - ICT
Dudley Metropolitan Council 0-0 GBP £154,029

How is this useful? The company sells into the government and has the following income from government. This provides an indication of the sources of their revenue. This is unlikely to be a complete picture of their income from government sources since many councils and countries do not disclose this information or do so inconsistently. For example UK central government has a £ 25,000 transaction threshold which means it is possible for significant spend to not be disclosed. Where there are multiple transactions in a month, we consolidate daily transactions to provide an aggregate value for the month - the description will apply to the first transaction and the total may not reflect all spend on the description.

Contracts Awarded
CustomerDescription Contract award date Value
Oxfordshire County Council Community health services 2014/2/1 GBP 5,500,000

Oxfordshire County Council is inviting bids from economic operators for the provision of Community Equipment and associated services. The contract duration is from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 with an option to extend for up to 1 year at the sole discretion of Oxfordshire County Council and therefore may be exercised for the period up to 31.March 2016.

NHS Hull Wheelchairs 2013/02/18 GBP 765,108

Assessment, prescription, provision and a maintenance and repair service of manual and powered wheelchairs, specialised seating and cushions, modifications and accessories for children and young people up to 16 years.

Business Rates/Property Tax
No properties were found where NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.
  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.
Import/Export of Goods
Goods imported/exported by NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED
OriginDestinationDateImport CodeImported Goods classification description
2018-12-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2018-12-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-12-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2018-12-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-12-0094049090Articles of bedding and similar furnishing, fitted with springs or stuffed or internally filled with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics (excl. filled with feather or down, mattress supports, mattresses, sleeping bags, pneumatic or water mattresses and pillows, blankets and covers)
2018-12-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-12-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-12-0073239900Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless (excl. enamelled articles; cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels and other articles of the nature of a work implement; cutlery, spoons, ladles etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware)
2018-12-0073239900Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless (excl. enamelled articles; cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels and other articles of the nature of a work implement; cutlery, spoons, ladles etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware)
2018-12-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-12-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-12-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2018-12-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2018-12-0094016900Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered)
2018-12-0094016900Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered)
2018-12-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-12-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-12-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-12-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-11-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-11-0090189084Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences, n.e.s.
2018-11-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-11-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-11-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-11-0039241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2018-11-0039241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2018-11-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2018-11-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2018-11-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-11-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-11-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-11-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-11-0076151080Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of uncast aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles manufactured from foil of a thickness <= 0,2 mm, articles of the nature of a work implement, spoons, ladles, forks and other articles of heading 8211 to 8215, ornamental articles, fittings and sanitary ware)
2018-11-0076151080Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of uncast aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles manufactured from foil of a thickness <= 0,2 mm, articles of the nature of a work implement, spoons, ladles, forks and other articles of heading 8211 to 8215, ornamental articles, fittings and sanitary ware)
2018-11-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-11-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-11-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2018-11-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2018-11-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-11-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-11-0094018000Seats, n.e.s.
2018-11-0094018000Seats, n.e.s.
2018-11-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-11-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-11-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2018-11-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2018-10-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-10-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-10-0039241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2018-10-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-10-0087139000Carriages for disabled persons, motorised or otherwise mechanically propelled (excl. specially designed motor vehicles and bicycles)
2018-10-0090189010Instruments and apparatus for measuring blood-pressure
2018-10-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-10-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-10-0094042190Mattresses of cellular plastics
2018-10-0095069990Articles and equipment for sport and outdoor games n.e.s; swimming and paddling pools
2018-10-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-10-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-10-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-10-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-10-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2018-10-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2018-10-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-10-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-10-0094016900Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered)
2018-10-0094016900Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered)
2018-10-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-10-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-09-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-09-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-09-0073239400Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless, enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cutlery, spoons, ladles, forks etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware; articles for table use)
2018-09-0073239400Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless, enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cutlery, spoons, ladles, forks etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware; articles for table use)
2018-09-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-09-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-09-0094017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-09-0094017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-09-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-09-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-08-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-08-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2018-08-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2018-08-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-08-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-08-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-08-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-08-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-08-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-08-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-08-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2018-08-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2018-08-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2018-08-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2018-07-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2018-07-0090189010Instruments and apparatus for measuring blood-pressure
2018-07-0090189084Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences, n.e.s.
2018-07-0090219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2018-07-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-07-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-07-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-07-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-07-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-07-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-07-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-07-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-07-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-07-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-07-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-07-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-07-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-07-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-07-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-07-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-07-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-07-0094036010Wooden furniture for dining rooms and living rooms (excl. seats)
2018-07-0094036010Wooden furniture for dining rooms and living rooms (excl. seats)
2018-07-0094039030Parts of furniture, of wood, n.e.s. (excl. seats)
2018-07-0094039030Parts of furniture, of wood, n.e.s. (excl. seats)
2018-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-06-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2018-06-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2018-06-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-06-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-06-0040169997Articles of vulcanised rubber, n.e.s. (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber)
2018-06-0073242900Baths of steel sheet
2018-06-0073242900Baths of steel sheet
2018-06-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-06-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-06-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-06-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-06-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-06-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-06-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2018-06-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2018-06-0094016900Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered)
2018-06-0094016900Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered)
2018-06-0094017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-06-0094017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-06-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-06-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-06-0096089900Parts of ball-point pens, felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers, fountain pens and propelling pencils n.e.s, pencil-holders, pen-holders and the like, and duplicating stylos
2018-06-0096089900Parts of ball-point pens, felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers, fountain pens and propelling pencils n.e.s, pencil-holders, pen-holders and the like, and duplicating stylos
2018-05-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-05-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-05-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-05-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-05-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2018-05-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-05-0094042190Mattresses of cellular plastics
2018-05-0095069990Articles and equipment for sport and outdoor games n.e.s; swimming and paddling pools
2018-05-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-05-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-05-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2018-05-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2018-05-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2018-05-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2018-05-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-05-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-05-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-05-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-05-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2018-05-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2018-05-0095069110Exercising apparatus with adjustable resistance mechanisms
2018-05-0095069110Exercising apparatus with adjustable resistance mechanisms
2018-04-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-04-0090184990Instruments and appliances used in dental sciences, n.e.s.
2018-04-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2018-04-0066020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2018-04-0066020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2018-04-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-04-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-04-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-04-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-04-0087142000Parts and accessories for carriages for disabled persons, n.e.s.
2018-04-0087142000Parts and accessories for carriages for disabled persons, n.e.s.
2018-04-0094017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-04-0094017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-04-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-04-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-04-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-04-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-04-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-04-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-03-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-03-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2018-03-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2018-03-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-03-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2018-03-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-03-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-03-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-03-0094042190Mattresses of cellular plastics
2018-03-0095066200Inflatable balls
2018-03-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-03-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-02-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2018-02-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-02-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-02-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2018-02-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2018-02-0073242900Baths of steel sheet
2018-02-0073242900Baths of steel sheet
2018-02-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-02-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-02-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2018-02-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2018-02-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-02-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-02-0087139000Carriages for disabled persons, motorised or otherwise mechanically propelled (excl. specially designed motor vehicles and bicycles)
2018-02-0087139000Carriages for disabled persons, motorised or otherwise mechanically propelled (excl. specially designed motor vehicles and bicycles)
2018-02-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-02-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-02-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-02-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-02-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2018-02-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2018-02-0095069110Exercising apparatus with adjustable resistance mechanisms
2018-02-0095069110Exercising apparatus with adjustable resistance mechanisms
2018-01-0090118000Optical microscopes (excl. for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection, stereoscopic microscopes, binocular microscopes for ophthalmology and instruments, appliances and machines of heading 9031)
2018-01-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-01-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-01-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2018-01-0073242900Baths of steel sheet
2018-01-0073242900Baths of steel sheet
2018-01-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-01-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2018-01-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-01-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2018-01-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2018-01-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2018-01-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-01-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2018-01-0094016900Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered)
2018-01-0094016900Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered)
2018-01-0094017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-01-0094017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2018-01-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-01-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2018-01-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2018-01-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2017-04-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2017-04-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2017-03-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2017-02-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2017-02-0090189020Endoscopes used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences
2017-02-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2017-02-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2017-01-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2017-01-0054079200Woven fabrics of yarn containing predominantly, but < 85% synthetic filament by weight, incl. monofilament of >= 67 decitex and a maximum diameter of <= 1 mm, dyed, other than those mixed principally or solely with cotton
2017-01-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2017-01-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2017-01-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2016-11-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2016-11-0084289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2016-11-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-11-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2016-11-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2016-11-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-11-0056075090Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of synthetic fibres, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics (excl. polyethylene, polypropylene, polyesters, nylon or other polyamides)
2016-11-0073242900Baths of steel sheet
2016-11-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-11-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-11-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-11-0082119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2016-11-0082159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2016-11-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2016-11-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2016-11-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-11-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2016-10-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2016-10-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2016-10-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-10-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-10-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-10-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-10-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-10-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-10-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2016-10-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-10-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2016-10-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2016-10-0095069990Articles and equipment for sport and outdoor games n.e.s; swimming and paddling pools
2016-09-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2016-09-0090189084Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences, n.e.s.
2016-09-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2016-09-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-09-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2016-09-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-09-0073259990Articles of iron or steel, cast, n.e.s. (excl. of malleable or non-malleable cast iron, grinding balls and similar articles for mills)
2016-09-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-09-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-09-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2016-09-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2016-09-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-09-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-09-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2016-09-0094039030Parts of furniture, of wood, n.e.s. (excl. seats)
2016-08-0066020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2016-08-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-08-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-08-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-08-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-08-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2016-08-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2016-08-0090219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2016-08-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-08-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2016-08-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-07-0094018000Seats, n.e.s.
2016-07-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2016-07-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-07-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2016-07-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-07-0056075090Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of synthetic fibres, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics (excl. polyethylene, polypropylene, polyesters, nylon or other polyamides)
2016-07-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-07-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-07-0082152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2016-07-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2016-07-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2016-07-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2016-07-0090219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2016-07-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-07-0094039030Parts of furniture, of wood, n.e.s. (excl. seats)
2016-07-0096089900Parts of ball-point pens, felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers, fountain pens and propelling pencils n.e.s, pencil-holders, pen-holders and the like, and duplicating stylos
2016-06-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2016-06-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-06-0094049090Articles of bedding and similar furnishing, fitted with springs or stuffed or internally filled with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics (excl. filled with feather or down, mattress supports, mattresses, sleeping bags, pneumatic or water mattresses and pillows, blankets and covers)
2016-06-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2016-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-06-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-06-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-06-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-06-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2016-06-0090219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2016-06-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2016-06-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-06-0094041000Mattress supports for bed frames (excl. spring interiors for seats)
2016-05-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2016-05-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2016-05-0095069990Articles and equipment for sport and outdoor games n.e.s; swimming and paddling pools
2016-05-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-05-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-05-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2016-05-0087142000Parts and accessories for carriages for disabled persons, n.e.s.
2016-05-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-05-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-05-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2016-04-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2016-04-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-04-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-04-0066020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2016-04-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-04-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-04-0082119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2016-04-0082159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2016-04-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2016-04-0090219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2016-04-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-04-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-03-0030051000Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer, impregnated or covered with pharmaceutical substances or put up for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes
2016-03-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2016-03-0066020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2016-03-0090189084Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical or veterinary sciences, n.e.s.
2016-03-0090213990Artificial parts of the body (excl. artificial teeth and dental fittings, artificial joints and ocular protheses)
2016-03-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2016-03-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-03-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2016-03-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-03-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-03-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-03-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2016-03-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-03-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-03-0094039010Parts of furniture, of metal, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2016-02-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2016-02-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2016-02-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-02-0039235010Caps and capsules for bottles, of plastics
2016-02-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-02-0056075090Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of synthetic fibres, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics (excl. polyethylene, polypropylene, polyesters, nylon or other polyamides)
2016-02-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-02-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-02-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2016-02-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2016-02-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2016-02-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2016-02-0090138090Magnifying glasses, thread counters, stereoscopes, kaleidoscopes and other optical instruments and apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 90
2016-02-0090219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2016-02-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-02-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2016-02-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-02-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2016-02-0094039010Parts of furniture, of metal, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2016-01-0087139000Carriages for disabled persons, motorised or otherwise mechanically propelled (excl. specially designed motor vehicles and bicycles)
2016-01-0090189010Instruments and apparatus for measuring blood-pressure
2016-01-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2016-01-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2016-01-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2016-01-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2016-01-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2016-01-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2016-01-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2016-01-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2016-01-0087142000Parts and accessories for carriages for disabled persons, n.e.s.
2016-01-0094013000Swivel seats with variable height adjustments (excl. medical, surgical, dental or veterinary, and barbers' chairs)
2016-01-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2016-01-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2015-12-0039241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2015-12-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-12-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-12-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-12-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-11-0073239400Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless, enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cutlery, spoons, ladles, forks etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware; articles for table use)
2015-11-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-11-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-11-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-11-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-11-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-11-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-11-0094039010Parts of furniture, of metal, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-10-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-10-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-10-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-10-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-10-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-10-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-10-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-10-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2015-09-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-09-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2015-09-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-09-0056075090Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of synthetic fibres, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics (excl. polyethylene, polypropylene, polyesters, nylon or other polyamides)
2015-09-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-09-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-09-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-09-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-09-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-08-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2015-08-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-08-0066020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2015-08-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-08-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-08-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2015-08-0090211010Orthopaedic appliances
2015-08-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-08-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-08-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-08-0096089900Parts of ball-point pens, felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers, fountain pens and propelling pencils n.e.s, pencil-holders, pen-holders and the like, and duplicating stylos
2015-07-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-07-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-07-0166020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2015-07-0173249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-07-0182119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2015-07-0182152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2015-07-0182159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-07-0183024900Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles (excl. locks with keys, clasps and frames with clasps incorporating locks, hinges, castors and mountings and fittings suitable for buildings, motor vehicles or furniture)
2015-07-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2015-07-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-07-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-07-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-07-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-07-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-07-0066020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2015-07-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-07-0082119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2015-07-0082152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2015-07-0082159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-07-0083024900Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles (excl. locks with keys, clasps and frames with clasps incorporating locks, hinges, castors and mountings and fittings suitable for buildings, motor vehicles or furniture)
2015-07-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2015-07-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-07-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-07-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-06-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-06-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-06-0173249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-06-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-06-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-06-0182159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-06-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-06-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-06-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-06-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-06-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-06-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-06-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-06-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-06-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-06-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-06-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-06-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-06-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-06-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-05-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-05-0139249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2015-05-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-05-0173249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-05-0182159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-05-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-05-0194029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-05-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-05-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-05-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-05-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2015-05-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-05-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-05-0082159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-05-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-05-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-05-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-05-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-04-0139221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2015-04-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-04-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-04-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-04-0173249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-04-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-04-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-04-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-04-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-04-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2015-04-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-04-0194029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-04-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-04-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-04-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2015-04-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-04-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-04-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-04-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-04-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-04-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-04-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-04-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-04-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2015-04-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-04-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-04-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-04-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-03-0139221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2015-03-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-03-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-03-0139249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2015-03-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-03-0166020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2015-03-0173249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-03-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-03-0182119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2015-03-0182152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2015-03-0182159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-03-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-03-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-03-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2015-03-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-03-0194029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-03-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-03-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-03-0194037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2015-03-0194039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-03-0039221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2015-03-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-03-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-03-0039249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2015-03-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-03-0066020000Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks)
2015-03-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-03-0076169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2015-03-0082119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2015-03-0082152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2015-03-0082159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-03-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-03-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-03-0087168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2015-03-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-03-0094029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2015-03-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-03-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-03-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2015-03-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-02-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-02-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-02-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-02-0163079098Made-up articles of textile materials, incl. dress patterns, n.e.s. (excl. of felt, knitted or crocheted, and single-use drapes used during surgical procedures made up of nonwovens)
2015-02-0173249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-02-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-02-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-02-0185235290Cards and tags incorporating only one electronic integrated circuit "smart cards"
2015-02-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-02-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-02-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-02-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-02-0194037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2015-02-0194039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-02-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-02-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-02-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-02-0063079098Made-up articles of textile materials, incl. dress patterns, n.e.s. (excl. of felt, knitted or crocheted, and single-use drapes used during surgical procedures made up of nonwovens)
2015-02-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-02-0073269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2015-02-0083024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2015-02-0085235290Cards and tags incorporating only one electronic integrated circuit "smart cards"
2015-02-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-02-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-02-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-02-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-02-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2015-02-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-01-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-01-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-01-0139241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2015-01-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-01-0173249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-01-0182119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2015-01-0182151030Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing at least one article plated with precious metal
2015-01-0182152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2015-01-0182159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-01-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-01-0190189075Apparatus for nerve stimulation
2015-01-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-01-0194019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2015-01-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-01-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-01-0194037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2015-01-0194039010Parts of furniture, of metal, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-01-0194039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-01-0196081010Ball-point pens with liquid ink
2015-01-0039222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2015-01-0039229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2015-01-0039241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2015-01-0039269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2015-01-0073249000Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings)
2015-01-0082119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2015-01-0082151030Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing at least one article plated with precious metal
2015-01-0082152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2015-01-0082159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2015-01-0087131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2015-01-0090189075Apparatus for nerve stimulation
2015-01-0094017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2015-01-0094019080Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s.
2015-01-0094032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2015-01-0094036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2015-01-0094037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2015-01-0094039010Parts of furniture, of metal, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-01-0094039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2015-01-0096081010Ball-point pens with liquid ink
2014-12-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-12-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-12-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-12-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2014-12-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-12-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-12-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-12-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2014-12-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-12-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2014-12-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2014-12-0194037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2014-12-0194039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2014-11-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-11-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-11-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-11-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-11-0182152090Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of base metals other than stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2014-11-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-11-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-11-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-11-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2014-11-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2014-10-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-10-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-10-0139241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2014-10-0182119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2014-10-0182152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2014-10-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-10-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-10-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-10-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2014-10-0194037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2014-09-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-09-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-09-0139241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2014-09-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-09-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2014-09-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-09-0182151030Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing at least one article plated with precious metal
2014-09-0182159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2014-09-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-09-0184289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2014-09-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-09-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2014-09-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-09-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2014-09-0194037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2014-09-0196081010Ball-point pens with liquid ink
2014-08-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-08-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-08-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-08-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2014-08-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-08-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-08-0184289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2014-08-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-08-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-08-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2014-08-0194049090Articles of bedding and similar furnishing, fitted with springs or stuffed or internally filled with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics (excl. filled with feather or down, mattress supports, mattresses, sleeping bags, pneumatic or water mattresses and pillows, blankets and covers)
2014-08-0195030095Plastic toys, n.e.s.
2014-08-0195066990Balls (excl. inflatable, golf, table-tennis, tennis, cricket and polo balls)
2014-07-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-07-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-07-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2014-07-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-07-0182152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2014-07-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-07-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2014-07-0194039090Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
2014-07-0194049090Articles of bedding and similar furnishing, fitted with springs or stuffed or internally filled with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics (excl. filled with feather or down, mattress supports, mattresses, sleeping bags, pneumatic or water mattresses and pillows, blankets and covers)
2014-06-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-06-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-06-0163079098Made-up articles of textile materials, incl. dress patterns, n.e.s. (excl. of felt, knitted or crocheted, and single-use drapes used during surgical procedures made up of nonwovens)
2014-06-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2014-06-0182055100Household hand tools, non-mechanical, with working parts of base metal, n.e.s.
2014-06-0182151030Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing at least one article plated with precious metal
2014-06-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-06-0185068080Primary cells and primary batteries, electric (excl. spent, dry zinc-carbon batteries of a voltage of >= 5,5 V but <= 6,5 V, and those of manganese dioxide, mercuric oxide, silver oxide, lithium and air-zinc)
2014-06-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-06-0194017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-06-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-06-0194029000Operating tables, examination tables, and other medical, dental, surgical or veterinary furniture (excl. dentists' or similar chairs, special tables for X-ray examination, and stretchers and litters, incl. trolley-stretchers)
2014-06-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2014-04-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-04-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-04-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-04-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-04-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-04-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-04-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2014-04-0194037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)
2014-03-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-03-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-03-0139241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2014-03-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-03-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2014-03-0182119200Knives with fixed blades of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, table knives, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades and knives of heading 8214)
2014-03-0182152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2014-03-0182159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2014-03-0182159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2014-03-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-03-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-03-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2014-03-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2014-03-0195030095Plastic toys, n.e.s.
2014-03-0195049080Tables for casino games, automatic bowling alley equipment, and other funfair, table or parlour games, incl. pintables (excl. operated by any means of payment, billiards, video game consoles and machines, playing cards and electric car racing sets having the character of competitive games)
2014-03-0195066990Balls (excl. inflatable, golf, table-tennis, tennis, cricket and polo balls)
2014-02-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-02-0139249000Household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware)
2014-02-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2014-02-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-02-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-02-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-02-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2014-02-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-02-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2014-01-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2014-01-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2014-01-0156075090Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of synthetic fibres, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics (excl. polyethylene, polypropylene, polyesters, nylon or other polyamides)
2014-01-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2014-01-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2014-01-0184289090Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.s.
2014-01-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2014-01-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2014-01-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2014-01-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2014-01-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2013-12-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2013-12-0139241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2013-12-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-12-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2013-12-0182159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2013-12-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2013-12-0183024900Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles (excl. locks with keys, clasps and frames with clasps incorporating locks, hinges, castors and mountings and fittings suitable for buildings, motor vehicles or furniture)
2013-12-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2013-12-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2013-12-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2013-12-0195049080Tables for casino games, automatic bowling alley equipment, and other funfair, table or parlour games, incl. pintables (excl. operated by any means of payment, billiards, video game consoles and machines, playing cards and electric car racing sets having the character of competitive games)
2013-12-0196081010Ball-point pens with liquid ink
2013-11-0139221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2013-11-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2013-11-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2013-11-0139241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2013-11-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-11-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2013-11-0182119100Table knives having fixed blades of base metal, incl. handles (excl. butter knives and fish knives)
2013-11-0182159910Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2013-11-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2013-11-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2013-11-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2013-11-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2013-11-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2013-10-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2013-10-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2013-10-0139241000Tableware and kitchenware, of plastics
2013-10-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2013-10-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2013-10-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2013-10-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2013-10-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2013-10-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2013-10-0195049080Tables for casino games, automatic bowling alley equipment, and other funfair, table or parlour games, incl. pintables (excl. operated by any means of payment, billiards, video game consoles and machines, playing cards and electric car racing sets having the character of competitive games)
2013-09-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2013-09-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-09-0185061018Manganese dioxide cells and batteries, alkaline (excl. spent, and cylindrical cells)
2013-09-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2013-09-0190219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2013-09-0194013000Swivel seats with variable height adjustments (excl. medical, surgical, dental or veterinary, and barbers' chairs)
2013-09-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2013-08-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2013-08-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2013-08-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2013-08-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2013-08-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2013-08-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2013-08-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2013-08-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2013-08-0194036090Wooden furniture (excl. for offices or shops, kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, and seats)
2013-07-0139222000Lavatory seats and covers, of plastics
2013-07-0139229000Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, lavatory seats and covers)
2013-07-0139269097Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
2013-07-0173269098Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s.
2013-07-0182152010Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal
2013-07-0182159990Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metals other than stainless steel, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears)
2013-07-0183024200Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors)
2013-07-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2013-07-0190219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2013-07-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2013-07-0194032080Metal furniture (excl. for offices, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, beds and seats)
2013-07-0194036010Wooden furniture for dining rooms and living rooms (excl. seats)
2013-06-0139221000Baths, shower-baths, sinks and washbasins, of plastics
2013-06-0176169990Articles of aluminium, uncast, n.e.s.
2013-06-0183024900Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles (excl. locks with keys, clasps and frames with clasps incorporating locks, hinges, castors and mountings and fittings suitable for buildings, motor vehicles or furniture)
2013-06-0187131000Carriages for disabled persons, not mechanically propelled
2013-06-0187168000Vehicles pushed or drawn by hand and other vehicles not mechanically propelled (excl. trailers and semi-trailers)
2013-06-0190219090Articles and appliances, which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability (excl. artificial parts of the body, hearing aids, incl. parts and accessories, and complete pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles)
2013-06-0194017100Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2013-06-0194017900Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture)
2013-06-0194037000Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats)

For goods imported into the United Kingdom, only imports originating from outside the EU are shown

Government Grants / Awards
Technology Strategy Board Awards
The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR
European Union CORDIS Awards
The European Union has not awarded NOTTINGHAM REHAB LIMITED any grants or awards.
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