Company Information for



Company Registration Number


Public Limited Company


About Versarien Plc

VERSARIEN PLC was founded on 2013-02-25 and has its registered office in Longhope. The organisation's status is listed as "Active". Versarien Plc is a Public Limited Company registered in ENGLAND with Companies House and the accounts submission requirement is categorised as GROUP
  • Group companies must submit full accounts if any company is a PLC (Public Limited Company)
  • Financial services firms: authorised insurance company, a banking company, an e-money issuer, a MiFID investment firm or a UCITS management company must submit full accounts even if they qualify as small
  • The combined turnover of the group must be < £6.5M, balance sheet <£3.26M and employ less than 50 people to not submit full accounts

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office
GL17 0QZ
Other companies in GL17

Filing Information

Company Number08418328
Date formed2013-02-25
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePublic Limited Company
Company StatusActive
Lastest accounts30/09/2023
Account next due31/03/2025
Latest filing return25/02/2016
Filing return next due25/03/2017
Type of accountsGROUP
Last Datalog update:
2024-05-05 05:44:11
Primary Source:

Current Directors

Officer Role Occupation Date Appointed Country
Christopher Michael Leigh Company Secretary 2013-07-03
Iain Gilmour Gray Director ENGINEER 2016-02-01 ENGLAND
Christopher Michael Leigh Director CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 2013-07-03 ENGLAND
Neill Gareth Ricketts Director CHIEF EXECUTIVE 2013-02-25 ENGLAND

Previous Directors

Officer Role Date AppointedDate Resigned
Ian Henry Balchin Director 2013-06-12 2017-06-29
William Battrick Director 2013-02-25 2016-03-10
David Jeremy Veasey Director 2013-06-12 2016-02-01
William Battrick Company Secretary 2013-02-25 2013-07-03
Stephen James Humphries Director 2013-06-12 2013-07-03
James Stewart Murray-smith Director 2013-02-25 2013-06-06

Related Directorships for Iain Gilmour Gray

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Iain Gilmour Gray CRANFIELD AEROSPACE SOLUTIONS LIMITEDDirector 2017-06-21 CURRENT 1989-08-22 Active
Iain Gilmour Gray BRISTOL AERO COLLECTION TRUSTDirector 2012-09-14 CURRENT 1992-02-19 Active

Related Directorships for Christopher Michael Leigh

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Christopher Michael Leigh CAMBRIDGE GRAPHENE LTD.Director 2017-01-19 CURRENT 2014-05-20 Active
Christopher Michael Leigh THORNDON PARK GOLF CLUB,LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-06 CURRENT 1920-04-14 Active
Christopher Michael Leigh THE BREAKFAST CLUB 2000 LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-01 CURRENT 2008-02-05 Dissolved 2018-05-01
Christopher Michael Leigh AAC CYROMA LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-01 CURRENT 2002-09-03 Active
Christopher Michael Leigh 3DINSPIRE LIMITEDDirector 2015-11-13 CURRENT 2015-11-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Christopher Michael Leigh 2-DTECH LIMITEDDirector 2014-05-01 CURRENT 2012-05-24 Active
Christopher Michael Leigh DV COMPOSITE TOOLS LTDDirector 2014-04-03 CURRENT 2014-04-03 Dissolved 2017-03-28
Christopher Michael Leigh VERSARIEN PROPERTIES LIMITEDDirector 2014-04-01 CURRENT 2013-12-05 Dissolved 2017-05-09
Christopher Michael Leigh VERSARIEN GRAPHENE LIMITEDDirector 2013-07-03 CURRENT 2010-12-21 Active
Christopher Michael Leigh TOTAL CARBIDE LTDDirector 2013-07-03 CURRENT 1989-09-29 Active

Related Directorships for Neill Gareth Ricketts

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
Neill Gareth Ricketts CAMBRIDGE GRAPHENE LTD.Director 2017-01-19 CURRENT 2014-05-20 Active
Neill Gareth Ricketts THE BREAKFAST CLUB 2000 LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-01 CURRENT 2008-02-05 Dissolved 2018-05-01
Neill Gareth Ricketts AAC CYROMA LIMITEDDirector 2016-10-01 CURRENT 2002-09-03 Active
Neill Gareth Ricketts 3DINSPIRE LIMITEDDirector 2015-11-13 CURRENT 2015-11-13 Active - Proposal to Strike off
Neill Gareth Ricketts GFIRST LEP C.I.C.Director 2014-12-12 CURRENT 2014-12-12 Active
Neill Gareth Ricketts 2-DTECH LIMITEDDirector 2014-05-01 CURRENT 2012-05-24 Active
Neill Gareth Ricketts DV COMPOSITE TOOLS LTDDirector 2014-04-03 CURRENT 2014-04-03 Dissolved 2017-03-28
Neill Gareth Ricketts VERSARIEN PROPERTIES LIMITEDDirector 2014-04-01 CURRENT 2013-12-05 Dissolved 2017-05-09
Neill Gareth Ricketts TOTAL CARBIDE LTDDirector 2013-06-12 CURRENT 1989-09-29 Active
Neill Gareth Ricketts VERSARIEN GRAPHENE LIMITEDDirector 2011-05-18 CURRENT 2010-12-21 Active
Neill Gareth Ricketts KRONOS ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS LIMITEDDirector 2003-08-19 CURRENT 2003-08-19 Dissolved 2014-12-02